Cosmophobia Debunked Perry Vlahos ASV Censorship on Fiery Object over Greenvale

in forbiddenknowledge •  7 years ago 

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The avs is the astronomical society of Victoria of which
Perry Vlahos was a former president from 1996-98. To this day Mr Vlahos refuses to debated me in public over this video that I took so many years ago.
To Date I am still waiting for a Flight Plan.
Censored Videos by the mainstream scientific community.

To Date I am still waiting for a Flight Plan.
Censorship on Fiery Object over Greenvale-Contrail Myth Busted
Why was my videos Censored? Does my evidence damaged the reputation of some individuals?
Could that be why my videos were removed? Why is it that a member of the, Astronomical Society of Victoria does not wish to be involved in any more e-mail exchanges.
But isn't Science about Observation, Identification, including Description, Experimental, and Investigation, including Theoretical, Explanation of Natural Phenomena, Experimental.
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Edited by Sergio Correa Administrator:

►Busy Blog:
What the heck is Cosmophobia
"Forbidden Knowledge by the Mainstream Establishments"

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