If you are having issues with you F150 instrument / Dashlights staying on when you exit your vehicle here is your fix. I just fixed this today on my 2012 F150. I called the dealership to see how much it would cost to fix if the switch was the problem. They said that they don't sell the switch individually and that the shifter replacement would be approximately $320 CAD plus an hour shop rate of $120 CAD. So all said and done, would probably be $500 CAD. Now here's the kicker, It's a $10 + shipping replacement part and took me 20 minutes to install. I am not a mechanic.
Now I've read horror stories on different forums that Dealerships have replaced the entire instrument cluster for $1700 CAD and saying it is fixed when clearly it isn't. Then charging another $500 for a new shifter assembly. $2200 for a $10 part that is easy to do yourself with some simple tools.
So what are the symptoms:
Dashlights on instrument panel stay on after removing key and exiting the vehicle.
P on instrument panel does no goto orange when shifter is placed in Park.
Autostart won't work as the vehicle does not know it is in Park.
Battery will slowly drain
What do you need to fix?
Screwdriver - Not necessary but will help
Needle nose pliers - smaller the better to pull out the switch
Pliers or wire strippes to strip wires
Marettes or Butt splice to attach the wires. - I used orange Marrettes.
Electrical tape to tape the marrettes and cluster together.
I ordered the part from here, I am in no way affiliated with this company. It was cheap and in Canada. US Customers just change the URL to .com
Put the shifter into neutral and park brake on
Lift up on the back side of the console. It should pop up.
Remove it and put out of your way.
You should have access to the switch on the right side of the console as the picture shows
Pull the switch out with your needle nose pliers. There is a little white clip holding the wires in place that will also need to be pulled out.
Cut the wires and splice the new switch onto corresponding colored wires.
Replace the switch back into place
Put console cover back in place but do not push all the way down yet.
Put vehicle in park and and test the switch.
If working, push console cover all the way down.
Now be happy that you just saved yourself $500 - $2200
Oh!!! Here is how the old to new switch looks