Parched from lack of love
No one to love me whilst my heart is on fire
Walk through the jungle into the cavern below
Connected to the emptiness in my soul
It is a world of sadness
Of darkness
Of dust
Of shadow
Of shame
Of lust
Blow the cobwebs away to reveal your light
Were you here all along?
The voice to my lyrics?
The noise to my song?
Why did you remain hidden for so long?
Me standing, longing, lost in this stagnant world
If I run to you now will you love me as I am?
Free me from this place before all of the walls close in?
I cannot be that far gone
Come closer now and save me from myself
I long to swim in the forever I see in your eyes
Sink into the abyss of your love until I find myself drowning in forever
Because I do not know how to swim
But oh, what a way to go
Forever a dreamer
Forever yours
By, Tiffany Simar