RE: Mother of a Thousand Plantlets for Sale

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Mother of a Thousand Plantlets for Sale

in forsale •  5 years ago 

Hey, I live in Mancos. Saw you love in Cahone. Was thinking we should connect :)

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Interesting, I haven't checked this account in quite some time. :)

I just signed up actually just to message you. I actually found your article on femenizing seed and then saw in comments you lived nearby. I've been in the area 16 years and grew 50 acres of hemp this year. But I've been growing for 8+ years. I don't get notifications from this site. Would you like to connect via another platform. Text, signal, WhatsApp, Instagram?

Sent a follow request about a minute ago. :)

Email me at [email protected] :)
I'll check that account for the next week or so for your email. ;)

I sent you my facebook info, check your wallet memos. :) I don't remember my instagram login or email at the moment... lol

That's a LOT of hemp! :) lol

Ok, so I've been having difficulty accessing the email I posted. Here's one I know will work.

[email protected]

Apologies for the delay, still looking forward to meeting up. :)