The Benefits of Building a Reading Fort with Your Kids

in fort •  8 years ago  (edited)

Reading helps kids to learn, grow, and consider possibilities for the future. Creative stories inspire imagination. Biographies help kids think about possible careers. Historical novels help children understand how life was in the past. And science and math books teach kids about logic. A reading fort is the perfect place to keep books, read stories, and even write them. 

Build a Place for Books 

A fort building kit provides plenty of options for young reading enthusiasts. The fort can be designed as a classroom complete with a chalk board and desk area. Or it can be a library with a bookshelf featuring your child's favorite stories. A fort can be transformed into a bookstore with poetry readings and actual customers. Your child can sell old books and earn a profit or donate the money to a literacy charity. 

Reading Together 

Your child's reading fort can be a place where you read bedtime stories together and tell tales. Encourage your child to share his or her favorite aspects of the story. Let your child choose books to read before bed. Add a reading light and some  comfy pillows where kids can lounge around and read on their own.   

Write On 

If your child enjoys books about castles and kingdoms, tell them to write their own fairy tale. Educate kids about poetry by writing a haiku, which is a basic poem with 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second and 5 in the third and last line. Share your stories and invite friends over to be part of your reading and writing group. Illustrate the stories and poems everyone writes to add another dimension to this learning experience.   

Reading is even more fun when you build a fort for storytelling. Everyone is sure to want to gather in this cozy reading space.   

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What a great idea. My kids love to read and enjoy places like this. Why not?