Lord James of Blackheath Speech on Foundation X House of Lords 01/11/2010
UK up for sale to Foundation X - Lord James of Blackheath speaks to Sky
Lord James of Blackheath: The $15 TRILLION Dollar Money-Laundering Mystery (XLF, SKF, GLD, SLV, AGQ, SPXU)
At the moment, only Lord James is asking these questions. However, if he gets his way there will be an official inquiry into this massive, money-laundering operation. Already, Lord James possesses documents with the signatures of people like Alan Greenspan and Timothy Geithner on them, as well as massive transfers of funds to virtually every mega-bank in the U.S. and UK.
While Lord James (himself a former banker) is holding the “paper trail” for all of this dirty money, he himself has no firm ideas about either the source of the money nor the intent of all of these massive transfers (all in the $100’s of billions) to U.S. and UK banks.