Forest Wild Flowers in Southern Oregon #foundflowers

in foundflowers •  7 years ago  (edited)

I got inspired by @idyllwild's #foundflowers project Wild for Wildflowers! Here are some recent wild flower finds from some of my hikes in their natural forest setting.

I labeled the flowers I could identify...




Fawn lily, Erythronium hendersonii


Pacific trillium, Trillium ovatum


Evergreen Violet, Viola sempervirens




Maple (Probably Big Leaf)




Fairy Slipper Orchid, Calypso bulbosa


Gentner's fritillary, Fritillaria gentneri


Wild Borage, Hounds Toungue, Cynoglossum grande



Meadow Larkspur, Delpinium nuttallianum


Tolmie's Cats Ear, Calochortus tolmiei


Green-leaf Manzanita, Arctostaphylos patula


Henderson's shooting star, Dodecatheon hendersonii AND Indian Warrior, Pedicularis densiflora


Buck Brush, Ceanothus cuneatus

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I am a ex-suburbanite turned permaculture homesteader. Follow my journey and I will share what I know and am learning along the way. You can learn more about me in my re-introducing @sagescrub post. Wishing you abundance in your life!

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wow, really enjoyable collection!! this one especially blew me away:

Tolmie's Cats Ear

.... you're blessed! what incredible beauties around you ;D

Hi @mountainjewel great to see you around! Not a surprise to cross paths at a sweet intersection as this 🌸 Happy Spring!!

Agreed! They were all so fun to discover :)

"Fawn Lily" - what a beautiful name for a beautiful flower. I'm imagining the little deer who find these tasty buds. Good of you to share these photos with us, thanks! I didn't realize you're living in Southern Oregon until just now. To me, the forests there are the most pleasant and scenic areas of our country.

Yes! The forests around here are very beautiful! There is so much beauty in nature everywhere :) The leaves of the fawn lily have dark spots hence the name.


Oh, now I see. I really enjoy knowing the wildflowers' names. Do you know these flower names by heart, or do you look them up. I'll have to find a field guide so I can better familiarize myself with the ones that grow around here.

I looked up many of the flowers here, some I know by name now! I am learning bit by bit :) I would love to have a personal guide that I could follow around, but have not found the right one yet! Friends, books and the internet help fill in some of my gaps in knowledge.

Such beautiful flowers! I'm not sure which is which of the Henderson's shooting star, Dodecatheon hendersonii AND Indian Warrior, Pedicularis densiflora flowers, but the tallest one with the red stalk, pink white yellow and purple petals is sooooo coooool (I assume that is the first flower, Henderson's Shooting star)!! You should collect some of those seeds. I would send you some steem for them. They are gorgeous!!

Yep your assumption is correct about which flowers are the Shooting Stars. You bet- I will see if I have a chance to collect some seeds and if can I will let you know. I am already planning to collect some seeds of the Hound's Tongue because I think that will be a fun one to propagate and share.

Hi @sagescrub, this one is so beautiful "Tolmie's Cats Ear, Calochortus tolmiei" I believe that those flower has it great benefit to human as wel as to the nature, because somehow we are connected each other.


Nice thought about our connection with nature! I'm glad you enjoyed the flower photos!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Well @sagescrub this is a precious collection 🌸🌱 what an abundance of beauty around you!! Such a treat of springtime images. A welcome contrast to our slowly thawing landscapes. Is that first plant chives? Though the little leaves do throw me for a bit of a loop.

Thank-you for sharing the gifts that surround you! 💗

The first plant is not chives, but now that you do mention it it is reminiscent of allium flowers. It looks like a cross between chives and red clover :) I could not identify it yet, so for now it's a mystery! I'm glad you enjoyed the photos :)

woww, nice view

What a beautiful collection you have here! So many lilies! I really enjoyed your photography

Flowers are looking so beautiful sir👌

You're the sweetest! Grateful for you!

:) You're sweet for helping me see more beauty in this world!


Beautiful captures :-)