Crypto World's Most Expensive Coin $1146320 & 1349BTC per coin has been paid. Now a coin of $24088 or 3.64BTC per coin.

in fourtytwo •  7 years ago 

42-coin 20.06.jpeg
Yes guys, you read just right. There is one such coin in our crypto world which is also worth several times since bitcoin. Its name is 42-coin, this coin is sold for $1146320 and its maximum value at the rate of bitcoin is 1349BTC per 42-cone . And the total supply of this coin is only 42. Do not think it is true? This Coin is available on only three exchanges. Includes livecoin, cryptopia and trade satoshi. Those whose links are- cryptopia: CHECK ON CRYPTOPIA EXCHANGE: 42 coin cryptopiaaaaa.jpeg
livecoin exchange: 42 livecoin.jpeg

here is the website of 42-coin: 42.png

you tube link: क्रिप्टो वर्ल्ड का सबसे महंगा कॉइन। 7 करोड़ रह चुका है रेट।अभी है 20 लाख का एक कॉइन

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