Frontier Earth Day – April 22, 2022

in fpw •  3 years ago 

Giant Pete opened the show with his retirement speech, making the crowd cry, as he walked out of the arena for a final time. He vanished into thin air, while walking the back halls...and “went to a better place”, as they say...RIP, Pete!

Curiously...a brand new referee appeared, unannounced to join the CLogo Pro ranks, and oversee this show!...Wherever did he come from?!!

Match 1: Underwear Taker VS Broses – 80%

Match 2: BLue Lightning & Ron GLow VS Purple Rain & Tadzio Hart – 68%

Special Match: 8 Man Battle Royal

Match 3: Dandy Ravage VS Screaming Wolf VS Max Kenton VS Oscar Wilde VS Rising Sun VS Eddie Van Halen VS Ace Virtueson VS Tyler Rose – 74%

Main Event:

Match 4: Mason GoreCheese VS Angry the Giant – 70%

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