I put a bit of love into hitting the random pallette generator until I came to this arrangement of colors. It's pretty. I name it below for the almost berry like blobs arranged upon lines that resemble a spinal column. As they merge together, they form a speckly blob of common consciousness. All on white! Which I think blends very well with the Steemit interface. A fascinating fascinator.
All my creations are free to use. The universe gifted them to me. They are my gift to you.
Using them for yourself will infuse them with fractal life. A new iteration of the pattern of life.
Vitamin Vertabrae
This is a wider view of the area from which the above creation was derived. It is equally evocative. Like an insectivorous mouth groping for food.
Much love. Music to contemplate with....
Donna Summer - I Feel Love (Extended Version)
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I agree! It's fascinating to me. :-)
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