Keeping a Promise Fractal Friday

in fractalfriday •  7 years ago 

It was suppose to be my Friday Fractal but Life Drama. Story to come ... tomorrow. But I shared it with a friend and she flipped and made me promise to post it just as soon as I could. So. Tardy. But Present ;-)




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Well, Lookie-you!!
I am not here for a bit and your progress has excelled!
Big fan!

Thanks! Confession: This one kind of fell out of the randomizer But I'm finding that playing with the gradients, coloring, and a few other settings, really makes them pop.

There's very few that I don't change the camera settings on. This is one of the few where I didn't change them. I think. May have moved the position downward.

I'm also finding it fun to apply general art theory. In this one, I made sure there was the suggestion of variety and sparkle in the distance, it pulls the eyes deeper into the image.

I'm so glad you showed up and showed me what fractals are up to these days! I have so much left to learn!

Hey, no biggie, these aŕe made from some of the most versatile transforms and difficult to get right. Their versatility is why they are complex.
I find that the more I fail, the more I end up learning, especially when I totally screw up!
Try increasing and decreasing weights of transforms at the right side of the editor to see the effect of the change on the scene.
Maybe change a few blurs in the transforms list for crackle to see a change.

Thanks for the tips! 🦉

I like this. It is very pretty. Well done

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoy it.

Your friend has excellent taste! Scrolling thriugh the feed and that image jumped out. Knew I was voting before I read the post. Nice!

I will be sure to tell her!

I'm glad to hear it has that kind of pull just from the thumbnail! These things are mesmerizing to work on. I often feel my objectivity leave town; so, feedback is really helpful. Thank you.

Nice to make your acquaintance!

Loved it! Whatever still small voice lead you to choose that I think it is worth listening to.

I am glad your friend told you to share it, I love it the Blues are radiant

The Blues are definitely popular at the moment ;-) And Yes. She is a friend indeed!

That is so beautiful! I love the colors.

Thanks! I enjoyed watching the sparkles show up!

friday or not , it matters that you posted. steem on.

Thanks for the encouragement!

Very cool. Kind of like a merging of water, and a flower. The progressive layering aspect has an interesting effect.

Thanks. Was fun to play with it.

Beautiful work! Awesome colors!