We are all thought forms derived from a parent thought form creating a network of processing growth through expansion of additional thoughtforms. Each thoughtform is a collection of networking thoughtforms through the power of infinite scale through recursion and diversion. Evolution is to expand knowledge through comparing perspectives by means of reincarnation. All is conscious and all evolve by means of energetic entropy via 'Maxwell's' Demon'. Matter is an illusion, as is what most humans perceive to be real. Thoughtform find truth through consolidated belief constructs bridging a consensus of co-creation. We are all evolving; collectives of thought on a path to what could be considered godhood or the creation of a child universe as is the way living fractal mathematics, it is predictable as much as it is not, but is easily identified in all that is perceived. We have no limitations, leaving the 'material world' is as easy as taking a walk. Our DNA holds the history of our all knowledge found thus far in this existence. After experiencing a Kundalini Awakening in 2012 I have seen the world with strong instincts of knowing, however without proof, it is useless for the scientific community. I can tell you validation with be found through Quantum Physics, and in fact it has been found, however it just as not be digested correctly. My subconscious is narrating some of the events I experience, as the coincidence of 11:11 in my life is ridiculous, I see it everywhere, everyday. I have many strange occurrences, but I do not want those who are prejudice to cut me down and try to make out to be crazy. I assure you I am not. Big things are coming, really big. Please know, whatever you think, feel, or do, I send my love to you. Please keep, your eyes, mind, and heart open. Chakra crowns those who are found. Love all.![]
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