Given a set of N items each having value V with weight W and the total capacity of a knapsack. The task is to find the maximal value of fractions of items that can fit into the knapsack.
Solution -
fractionalknapsack(int[] val,int[] weights, int tot_capacity) {
Items[] iVal = new Items[weight.length];
for (int i = 0; i < wt.length; i++) {
iVal[i] = new Item(weight[i], value[i], i);
Arrays.sort(iVal, new Comparator<ItemValue>() {
public int compare(Items o1, Items o2)
return o2.cost.compareTo(o1.cost);
double totalValue = 0d;
for (Items i : iVal) {
int curWt = (int)i.weight;
int curVal = (int)i.value;
if (capacity - curWt >= 0) {
capacity = capacity - curWt;
totalValue += curVal;
else {
double fraction = ((double)capacity / (double)curWt);
totalValue += (curVal * fraction);
= (int)(capacity - (curWt * fraction));
return totalValue;
static class Items {
double cost;
double weight, value, ind;
public ItemValue(int weight, int value, int ind)
this.wt = wt;
this.val = val;
this.ind = ind;
cost = new Double((double)value / (double)weight);
def fractionalknapsack(values,weights,Total_capacity):
n = len(values)
def score(i) : return values[i]/weights[i]
items = sorted(range(n) , key=score , reverse = True)
sel, value,weight = [],0,0
for i in items:
if weight +weights[i] <= capacity:
sel += [i]
weight += weights[i]
value += values [i]
return value
Problem - InterviewBit