that would be a real game changers. The thing is to deploy sino/russian extraction teams inside france to get polanski and his buddies, from there with MEIT (modern enhance interrogatory technics), don't worry it ain't invasive... (no need to open your skull anymore to implant the "sensors"), the rest of the gang.
I think france security and sovereignty would be dramatically improved. It would furthermore offer the scale necessary inside the EU to tame the expanding conquest of the german legal order...
So to do it there are few critical aspect beyond the purge (that's the walk in the park, with SCO warfare level deployed against polanski and his buddies, the standing execution and street lying of corpses).
TAIWAN, TIBETS, HK, PROVINCE OF PRC ! INTERNAL DOMESTIC MATTER. SOVEREIGNTY. NO DISCUSSION, if opposition you, your gov, your loved ones, your people, your civilization have entered the path of doom, of no return, of darkness, driping of falling... death.
CRIMEA ! The internal matter of former soviet Union concerns the Russia People, and specially the safeguard of the dispatched, from rape to cultural annihilation. We are mercyless, flash airports, launch yuge wars in teh middle east, fire ICBMs, launch cover warfare, regime preservation, and much more...
so once France can freed itself from the childrapists and their handlers from langley, normalize and recognize that fucking China or Russia aren't in no hurry to become the sex slaves of people believing their own superiority and reduction to US and our children to objects.