Cool art to recreate your ideas!
Have some fun making your own birthday cards and other art projects or journal creation.
Save to your file and use when you feel creative!
Create your own gift tags too. Print out on semi thick card and make a hole with punch, for string or festive cord.
Cool blue mix n match digital papers to combine with your own ideas.
White lace combined with some patchwork denim, could be quite cool.
The addition of lace background, can bring some lightness and variation to a solid graphic.
Soft floral wreath for card-making
A birthday card base for someone special!
Enjoy your art n crafts :)
Credit - my own collages and art work.
Some contests for all to try!
@deemarshall - Art Contests
@ran.koree - Drawing contest
@mariannewest's 'Five Minute Freewrite' daily post
@steempampanga - DOODLETRENDS
@organduo - Pinky and Spiky drawing contest
Have a great weekend
God Bless :)