The Treasure Hunt for Free Java

in free-java •  5 years ago 


Java’s proprietary status became very tricky nowadays. Oracle owns it and kept it free for a long time after it bought from Sun Microsystems decades ago. Still Oracle was suing many corporations when they built their application using Java without paying them-- although it was free. It will not be free anymore officially after January 2020. The way the Oracle talk makes everyone so confused and many idiots who work within corporation started paying them. That was exactly the Oracle’s plan anyway. Many people with financial authorities in big corporations are shallow stupid people. When they feel threatened, they don’t hesitate to open their wallets and start to pay off. LOL! Oracle did deliver huge lawsuits and settlements with Java ownership arguments to Microsoft, Google, Apple, and other companies. I don’t blame the shallow ignorant idiots who work in corporate IT departments for being terrified and paying off. They are there because they have abilities to lie shamelessly. They should always pay; thus, my dream world of corporations one day would become consist of truly-merit intelligent engineers and scientists closer and closer…

Type in Google search Java and you will run into with scary yellow box there warning you and implying you to open your wallet! LOL! Much of the world is steering away or trying to, but much of the world still is indispensable with Java usage. Java’s existence is now splitting into pieces:

  1. Oracle putting on that scary mask (I OWN IT!) to make money with it
  2. Community of independent open-source smart people trying to maintain Java releases
  3. Other corporations like IBM, Microsoft, Apple, and etc putting their money into doing the #2 above
  4. Oracle collaborating with big-sweet-good-guy-smiley face in the real world of respectable geeks secretively, contrary to its mean-scary face at #1, and collaborating with #2 guys and keeping the open-source version releases going, and
  5. Linux, Apache, and other formidable respectable Foundations working on their own Java, and other activities I can’t describe all.

I just want to inform good places to get free Java (better too):

You had better build your programs, and projects getting Java from those. Avoid that Google search #1 hit website. In case Oracle comes to ask you, you can tell them where you got your Java. I found those better than official proprietary Oracle, Inc. JDK. If you don’t know how to install them and use, let me know. Any clarification you need about Java’s status, ask away.

PS. I can’t stand guys who work at U.S. military projects that use Java and brag that they are so smart. I was at US Air Force Research Lab at Rome, NY when I was a fresh-graduate at job orientation. They bragged to me with all kinds of programs they wrote and I got bored and annoyed with their attitudes and started telling them Java User Agreement prohibits them from using for any military, and nuclear projects. They got scared like I might go and tell Sun Microsystem… Idiots! If they are so smart, make their own programming language and use that!

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