무료 에어드랍 free airdrop coinclaim bounty coin 받자

in free •  6 years ago 

위 후오비 암호화폐 거래소 링크이니 먼저 가입해주시면 감사하겠습니다.

코인 클레임을 가입한다.

Please confirm your email address 이메일 주소를 확정하라는 메일 옮

Verification email
Dear cosmosrich,
Please “click here” to confirm your email before getting started on Coinclaim.

Welcome to Coinclaim! You can earn extra CLM tokens for each friend you refer. Get your referral link on the Affiliate page after you login.

Please read through this email as it contains important information about your account and CoinClaim. Also, please be sure to read through the terms and conditions and privacy policy before participating in any CoinClaim marketing activities.

You log in to CoinClaim using your email address and the password you set at registration. CoinClaim does not store passwords so if you need to reset your password, use the password reset page here.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk about earning FREE TOKENS!

CoinClaim was developed as a marketing tool for companies who want to put the power of the internet (You) to work for them. To reward you for your work, they have set a token reward amount for each campaign you sign up for and complete. It’s really that simple. Join a CoinClaim campaign, complete the task(s), and get free tokens.

In addition, for all tasks you complete you will earn our internal, exchangeable CLM tokens. You can even earn CLM just for logging in every day. It’s an added bonus for promoting brands through CoinClaim.

We look forward to filling your wallet with tokens.
위의 이메일도 온다.

The Coinclaim Team
click here버튼 누르고 로그인

여기 가서 본인 인적사항과 비트코인 이더리움 주소 등록

코인클레임 홈페이지에서 각종 캠페인 시작
트위터 공유 more details 화살표 버튼 누른다
트위터 공유된 팝업창 뜨고
Task Completed
임무 완수되면 claim

Congratulations! You’ve completed this bounty.

Note: The balance in your wallet may not update until the network verifies the transaction.
만약 홍보성 글이라면 죄송합니다. 번거롭겠지만 아래 후오비 암호화폐 거래소에 가입해주셨으면 감사하겠습니다. 더 좋은 글로 보답하겠습니다.

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