Traffic and Authority with PLR

in free •  3 years ago  (edited)


Genesis has always been known simply as “the beginning” and considering the solid information
you’re about to receive and how it will change your business for the better, I found it fitting to use that
term in place of any proper introduction heading.
In this free report, you’re going to discover the exact steps to take to drive targeted traffic to your offers
while building your list and authority in whatever niche you decide to settle down in. It doesn’t matter
the niche, because this content is so simple it can be used in any niche. The only thing that you might
have a problem with is finding PLR (or private label rights) material for it. If that happens though,
you’ll just have to create your own content, but on the plus side, you’ve also identified a new niche
market and profit stream for you to implement within your business. Right?
This information is pretty basic stuff. It’s all about how to create traffic and authority in your business
by leveraging private label rights material or at the very least, content you already have created in your
It isn’t new. It isn’t bright, or shiny. It’s probably the most repetitive thing you could do in your
business. But by doing it could mean the difference in a couple of hundred hits a month and a couple of
thousand hits to your landing page, blog, or offer.
I would even say regardless of what your current source of traffic is right now, I would still implement
this process as soon as possible because…
 It’s evergreen traffic
 It won’t get removed if you lose an account (FB Ads anyone?)
 It doesn’t rely on a bunch of backlinks or SEO
 It can be easily outsourced to someone cheap.
 It gives your VA or employee something to do during their down time. ;)
There’s problem a thousand more reasons I could come up with to implement this strategy, but that
would lengthen the book and well, I want to make this as short and sweet as possible so you can read it
in a few minutes and start implementing within hours.
I’m just cool like that I guess. ;)
So that’s enough of my ramblings, on to the next part.
During this part, I’ll be covering the various licenses you’ll often encounter when dealing with private
label rights materials. I’ll also give kind of an overview of the method you’ll be using and go more in
depth towards the end of this book.
PLR – Short for Private Label Rights. PLR allows you to do “whatever you want” with the product.
Typically, each product will come with it's own license so be sure to read the licenses for each of your
new PLR products.
MRR – Short for Master Resell Rights. MRR gives you the ability to sell a product without any edits at
all. Most vendors that sell a product with MRR are usually doing so for the “branding” that comes with
it, with this in mind, MRR are usually not able to edited or anything else, they're sold “as-is”. Having
MRR allows you to sell other users both MRR and RR – depending on the license.
RR – Short for Resell Rights. Resell rights is the child sized version of MRR. RR basically allows
YOU to sell the product, but you're unable to pass on resell rights to your customers. This is spelled
one of two ways, “Resell Rights” or “Resale Rights”, both meaning the same.
Giveaway Rights – Giveaway rights are usually for branding purposes as well, just like MRR and RR.
Giveaway rights are usually listed inside of the Ebook, the usual licenses state that they can give it
away to build a list, as a free download or even syndicated it across their channels. Typically, the users
of Giveaway Rights use it for list building, to send it to their list and bonuses for product sales.
What you’ll be doing is actually quite simple to follow along with. You’ll be creating fresh and new
content out of existing ones you have and syndicating to countless places on the net to provide a spider
web of traffic and backlinks to your website. Doing this does a few things such as…
 Provides you with the illusion of “being everywhere”.
 Gives you an underlying network of traffic so even if your main source gets shut down, you’ll
have this to back up.
 Provides consistent and long term traffic growth.
 Gives you multiple backlinks, from multiple sources, to help with any SEO you might be trying
to achieve.
Those are just the more important ones anyways, but there’s more by far. It’s just a simple little tactic
you can use to get the maximum use out of your PLR, outsourced, or created content. Which is always
a plus, right? Leveraging shit to get the most use out of it?
The Training
What you’ll be doing is a circle of influence, hitting every major media format currently available
(with the exception of mobile apps). You’ll start with articles, move into eBooks and short reports,
which get converted into mind maps and slide shares, which become videos, which become audio,
which become articles.
See? The Circle Of Influence.
If you’re in need of PLR, I’ll give you a few resources at the end you can get some from and explain
the best way to use PLR from each place, so don’t even worry about that right now. Simply worry
about reading, and understanding, the next parts of this short report.
First, take your articles, organize them into individual topics. So if you’re in pets, you’ll have dieting
articles, potty training articles, obedience training articles, etc… You know, individual topics.
Once you’re done, go in and add each article into a new page of a word document. What you’ll be
doing is creating a collection of information for people looking to solve a problem. Add in an
introduction to the page document about “why” you created this report and a nice little conclusion with
a call to action to check something out like your blog, your squeeze page, a product your promoting as
an affiliate. Just send them somewhere (Squeeze page preferred).
Then go in and make each page work in to the next part of the book. Turn it into an actual book, ya
Because of the vast amount of content available, you’ll have multiple books. Some short and sweet
with around 20 pages, other’s going into an easy 100 pages worth of content.
Your shorter books will be used to syndicate on the internet. You’ll give them away in groups, forums,
PDF sharing sites, etc…
Your longer books are more suited for Kindle and turning into MRR products to upload to PLR
Once you’re done here, you’ll move on to the next part. Slides and mind maps.
If you need a software to create mind maps, FreeMind is good and the one I use. Slides can easily be
created using OpenOffice, LibreOffice, or Word. You don’t exactly need to create both. I find it’s
easier for me to create video training using mind maps, but slides are probably the most effective for
this type of tactic.
What you’re doing with the maps/slides are going to go in and create one point for each article you
have, then include a couple of tips found in each one. So, for 50 articles, you’ll have 50 slides with 2 or
3 key tips located inside of the content.
Once you have this done, it’ll be uploaded to websites like and places whose sole
purpose is to display slides. Just like your book, put in about information and a call to action to get
them from the slide page to your website.
After you have your slides created, open up an audio recorder and start talking about each page. You’re
essentially creating an audio recording of the slideshares that you’ll later sync up to the slides to turn
into a video.
It’s like killing two birds with one stone.
Doing this, it gives you an audio and video format. Upload the video to the relevant sites like YouTube
and the audio to sites like SoundCloud.
Once again, add on an about you and call to action for your offer.
When you’re finished here, you’ll go in and create a few articles based off the information and upload
to sites like Medium, Squidoo, and the various article directories with a new opening and call to action.
Have you noticed how important your call to action is? No? Okay, it’s important. Make sure to add
Once you’ve done each of these steps, you have at minimum, 6 different traffic sources at play.
Depending on how many places you upload the content to, way more.
You’re covering all the major formats:
 Audio
 Video
 Written
So will cater to all the major styles of learning and content preference. You’ll also have content and
traffic coming from some major sites like…
 YouTube
 Kindle
 SEO (Google, Yahoo, Bing)
 Facebook
 Slideshare
 Soundcloud
And that’s just the sites I’ve mentioned here. There’s hundreds, if not thousands, more you can easily
syndicate your content too. Plus, if you upload your new books, audios, and videos to PLR
memberships, you’ll also have all of the downloads from those sites bringing you customers,
subscribers, and traffic to whatever offer you’re promoting.
This is possibly the closest you’ll ever come to having something go viral for your business unless you
can just do it on cue, and if you can, please send me a message on Facebook. No really, I want to talk
to you ;).
If you’re needing somewhere to get PLR from, I suggest Resell Rights Weekly. They’re free to sign up
for but the real value lies in the Gold membership at $19.99 a month.
It’s a cheap resource for what you’re doing here and Mark Austin consistently uploads new stuff to the
membership each and every month. I’ve had my account for years and have easily made back every
single penny I’ve spent with him.
Another good resource is my free training program PLR Powerhouse. It’s a step by step video course
that shows you how to completely rebrand and create new products from private label rights material,
then sell on sites like JVZoo, or Warrior Plus. You can access that by clicking here.
If you have any questions, I’m pretty well accessible inside of The Word Of Matt at all times. You can
sign up for free by clicking here.(
Talk soon,

P.S. Here’s the links for those who print it out.


Resell Rights Weekly:

PLR Powerhouse Training:

Word Of Matt:

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