To clarify, my views on free speech haven't changed at all in the last month.

in free •  last year 


Rather, my support for free speech has been bolstered over the last month as we've had dozens of Skokie cases on acid proudly carried out around the world.

Let the Nazis tell us that they're Nazis. Let them yell, "Gas the Jews!" in public so we know the evil that we're really facing.

I do still stand by my offer to buy a plane ticket for any active Queers for Palestine member to visit the Gaza.

I'm absolutely happy to implement a program that offers any Citizen of These United States who wants to see it burn a one way plane ticket to the country of his or her choosing and six months rent in exchange for his or her citizenship to be transferred to an immigrant who actually wants to be here.

So far as I can tell, I'm still a free speech absolutist. I'm not full in with Douglas Murray when it comes to the idea of arresting and/or deporting Hamas supporters.

By all means, scream at the top of your voice the reasons why I should hate you.

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