Hustled to Work for Free and Not Treated Equal, Christina Tobin Fraud Continued.

in freeandequal •  7 years ago 

Here is a collection of facts presented to me with credible sources regarding Christina Tobin's lies and unscrupulous behavior. In addition to my recent post, the information is clear. Recognize that it was not my intention to harm ever but knowing now how she is harming others, I have to share the truth. I adored her like many others at one time but the truth must be told. She broke her commitments to me and several others which I share evidence for in this post. She didn't pay me for work performed even though she raised more than enough money and didn't publish many articles I wrote for her including about my organization RIPAC which was what got me to start to investigate who else she has not fulfilled promises too.

She is a gatekeeper for my information about solving problems with ballot mechanisms and she is scamming in the guise of helping hurricane victims but there is a total lack of transparency.

I was her campaign fundraising director and she was not clear about the funds raised when I worked with her. She is not credible now and there is little to believe she will be in the future.

She recently fundraised for Hurricane Harvey with many recognized people and there has been no transparency in what she raised for this last fundraiser nor for her past ones.

What else has she done wrong that could lead one to believe she has become a master scam artist? Scam artists work this way, they smile at you, tell you they are your friend, then they stab you in the back. If it looks like a scam, it is a scam, such is logic once can conclude from Occam's razor where the simplest explanation is perhaps the most feasible. It looks like a duck , it quacks like a duck...

Here are the further details I have uncovered.

2014 United We Stand Festival Planning Debacle

The 2014 Free & Equal United We Stand Festival was a seeming planning debacle. The event was seemingly first supposed to be on June 22nd, 2013 at Little Rock, Arkansas. Source:

The event was then rescheduled for October 2013 at UCLA in California. Christina Tobin wrote, "In order to accommodate bringing in the many inquiring people for UWS, we must push the festival date forward and move the venue to a larger city. The new venue and city of the United We Stand Festival is now Los Angeles at either UCLA or USC with a tentative date of October 12th." Source:

At least $25,356 was raised by 284 backers on Indiegogo for the event

Tickets then went on sale in April 2014 for the event scheduled for May 10, 2014 at UCLA. Source:

The event venue was then cancelled as of May 7 (days before the planned event) with the new venue being unclear and Tobin stating "For those who have already purchased tickets, thank you so much. Your desire to be at this festival means the world to Free & Equal. If you have already bought your tickets, please send Free and Equal a Facebook message, as we intend to put on the United We Stand Festival free of charge to attend for all our attendees." Source:

The venue was finally changed to Belasco Theater with very short notice to the public. Some media venues didn't report the new venue until the day of the event. Source: It seems as though several advertised speakers/performers were no-shows such as Dennis Kucinich and the Wu-Tang Clan was not fully committed as her fundraiser intimated, only Cappadonna and Chi King showed up.

Tobin ended up blaming the venue change on UCLA and threatening legal action. Source

However in the comments section of a news report on Tobin's allegations and threat of legal action against UCLA a supposed former Free & Equal volunteer and donor identified online as "" wrote "I worked for Free & Equal at the time as a volunteer. This debacle was not UCLA's fault. Christina Tobin failed to pay the fee on time. The only reason why the UWS Festival was able to happen was because she got me to put the theater rental at the Belasco on my credit card. Where did all the money go, Christina? She promised to pay me back and she never did." Source:

I have spoken with the former event coordinator who made her entire project possible at the time when Tobin was completely useless and he has confirmed, UCLA didn't cause the problem, Tobin didn't pay them. Where did the money go?

Jeff 4 Justice, an alternative third party candidate advocate has been in touch with "" but the author of the comment is not willing to speak out publicly any more than she already did in that comment.

In an interview with Jeff 4 Justice, another former Free & Equal volunteer Leo Martinez also spoke out against Tobin blaming her for the event planning debacle. The interview is no longer posted online at this time.

Jeff 4 Justice reached out to UCLA for comment and never received a reply back and has bee unable to find out if Tobin (Free & Equal) ever took legal action against UCLA.

Former Christina Tobin Employee Alleges Nonpayment & Accused Her Of Stealing

In a blog post Zachariah Wiedeman a former National Petition Coordinator for Free & Equal Inc. accused Tobin of not paying him money owed and accused her of stealing writing, "Christina fails to fully reimburse me for my expenses, citing lack of funds in the Free & Equal Inc. bank account and she fails to present me with a written contract" and also "I realized that the only way I could get paid in full was if Christina stole money from her non-profit foundation, something I had already witnessed her doing during the course of this contract, and something that I could not in good conscience knowingly be party to." Source: Free & Equal Inc. is apparently different from Free and Equal Elections Foundation.

"There seems to be some confusion over from whom I and Karen Garr are contracted to work.

I have a contract with Donald Wren. I do not have a contract with Free & Equal Inc. Karen Garr has a contract with me. She does not have a contract with Free & Equal Inc. As far as I can tell that means I work for Donald Wren and Karen Garr works for me. Free & Equal Inc. has no claim on the work we produce. I have provided the LPIL with a copy of these contracts.

Without any contradictory proof from Free & Equal Inc., a business entity which only just received its articles of incorporation on June 7, 2016, that I and Karen Garr are exclusively contracted to work for them, I am unsure how they can make a legitimate claim on work I do under a contract with Donald Wren. Making such a claim is nothing short of theft on the part of Free & Equal Inc. Either Free & Equal Inc. is trying to steal money from the LPIL or they are trying to steal money from Donald Wren, but either way, they are trying to steal money by claiming ownership over the work I and Karen Garr do without a contract with either of us.

I am an independent contractor and I am free to make contracts with and work for whomever I choose. The last time I checked, the 13th Amendment to the constitution is still valid, so I would respectfully request that Christina Tobin stop trying to claim ownership over me and the fruits of my labor and to respect the contract I have entered into with Donald Wren.

In order to avoid this kind of confusion happening, I have ensured that the contracts I signed with the parties I am engaged in business with have non-compete clauses and specify the duration of the contract period as well as how and when people will be paid. Those contracts are extremely specific so that all parties involved know what to expect and there are no surprises or room for me to modify the terms on a whim or try cheat anyone out of the money owed them for their hard work.

Perhaps Free & Equal should take this as a lesson to put together good contracts in the future that specify the terms of their relationships with independent contractors prior to those contractors supposedly going to work for them. I think if that had happened in the first place, none of us would be dealing with this headache right now. Because Free & Equal Inc. failed to conduct business in an aboveboard and sound manner, I do not believe that the Libertarian Party of Illinois, Donald Wren, Karen Garr, or myself should be forced to suffer their demands of money for work Free & Equal Inc. had absolutely nothing to do with.


Zachariah Wiedeman"

Having spoken with Zach he shared that another woman Christina Quora has sued her over unpaid debt. I have reached out to her and am waiting for a response. Perhaps I can bring more light to this issue with one more follow up in due time.

Supposed former Free & Equal volunteer and donor identified online as "" again wrote about Tobin claiming, "I volunteered for Free & Equal for a year. All this sounds very familiar. Christina Tobin got me to use my personal credit card to rent the Belasco Theatre for the United We Stand Fest 2014 and has never paid me back, despite her many emails promising to do so." Source:

Student Voices Count Distance Themselves From 2016 United We Stand Festival

Despite the 2014 United We Stand Debacle, Tobin somehow convinced people to keep donating to her annual event:
United We Stand Fest 2015 $15,021 USD raised by 282 backers
United We Stand Fest 2016 $10,034 USD raised
United We Stand Fest '17 for Harvey, Irma, & Maria $9,131 raised by 7 backers
United We Stand Fest 2018

However, back in 2016 a United We Stand Festival apparent collaborator backed out of the event. On their Facebook page, they posted, "Hey, some of you may have noticed that we have ceased our involvement with the United We Stand Festival. For a variety of reasons including current stress levels as students and general logistics, we feel this is the best course of action for both us and our former co-hosts." Source:

ACLU News report then stated "Student Voices Count is no longer involved with this event. The student group dissolved its partnership with Free and Equal last week." Source:

Jeff 4 Justice reached out to Student Voices Count. A woman named Ayriana Rackham claiming to be the director of PR and Press for Student Voices Count initially replied through Facebook messenger asking for a phone call. Jeff 4 Justice was unable to set up a call. She then wrote, "Before I talk to you more about all of this I'd like to speak with my organization more and see if anyone else could step up." Rackham eventually shared, "I was actually her intern for three weeks/volunteer for 3 months prior to that and I know exactly what you're talking about. My biggest concerns are financial, transparency, operation, and honesty. Those are all issues I've run into and had time to speculate over." Jeff 4 Justice also got a bizarre anonymous message by a woman who sent a link to reporting of Free and Equal's financials and wrote, "combine that with your knowledge of how free and equal works. this is the last you will hear from me, and the only response I want to hear from you is that you get it. I am done with having anything to do with Christina."

Former Libertarian Presidential Nominee Gary Johnson Decries Tobin

On 2016 10-19 in an interview in Los Angeles, Jeff 4 Justice asked Libertarian Presidential Nominee Gary Johnson if he would be a part of the 2016 United We Stand Festival. He replied, "The organizer has not been honorable in her past commitments and that's been my experience." The video is no longer online at this time. I saw this video when it was available and it's a valid quote.

Will @lukewearechange investigate Tobin's fundraiser or will WRC continue to support her events that continue to leave investors wondering what happened to all the money and the promises? With bitcoin millionaires onstage, you would think someone donated something. Where is the money?

She didn't even publish the blog I wrote about WRC on her site. Why would @wearechange support that? I published the unpublished blog on Steemit and all others that were unpublished following the WRC article.

Finally, I posted the details about what she did to me personally here. You can see from the image on Indigogo, I am not alone in terms of not receiving promised gifts for donations.

Tobin offers no solutions anymore for Free and Equal elections. Here last event arguably was for her anarchist speakers who are totally against elections. Jeff Berwick told the college students, all fifteen that showed up, to drop out and to not vote. This was the most entertaining part of the entire event in my opinion. It's the exact antithesis who what Free and Equal represents and Mr. Berwick is quite entertaining. This video was NOT produced on the Free and Equal youtube, she doesn't want his truths to be on her page either apparently. Props for archiving it yourself @dollarvigalante for if you didn't it would have been lost forever.

Each event she creates raises many thousands of dollars, tens of thousands often and only about a dozen people show up, then only a few hundred to one thousand see her youtube videos. No effort goes into promoting her projects after the event. The money is not used to spread information, clearly, that's not the purpose. Everyone volunteers and donates for only about one thousand people to even see the production. That is not an educational organization working to spread ideas. In the end, I can't even be mad that I didn't get my promotions I was promised, they wouldn't have ended up going far anyway.

One can only laugh at her organization at this point and any attempt to fundraise from people again.

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