Fear Not, The End is Near

in freedom •  7 years ago 

The process of waking up to the nature of government is an emotional one for everyone, at least at some level. It’s kind of like that transition in a child’s life that happens when they realize that their parents aren’t superheroes … they just like to dress up for conventions. The parallel with government, however, is much more intense when properly considered. On some level, your parents will always love you and a bad relationship with a parent is unfortunate. Government has no such redeeming features, but society seems to fear its loss like a child losing a parent.

Governments would like us to believe that the laws of morality are suspended for them, and although they screw up sometimes, there really are magical people who can bend reality and use violence as a constant force for good. The propaganda is designed to make us dependent on government and so we are led to believe that these magical people are protecting us. The state serves as a psychological security blanket.

Most people who are at least vaguely aware of what governments do seem trapped in a state of denial. Like a dependent victim of an abusive relationship, they delude themselves into thinking that it’s easier to ignore the abusive behavior or downplay it and avoid it. How much longer will people be able to get away with the equivalent of, “I fell down some stairs?” The thought of being alone scares them. The thought of not having the institution performing certain functions that it is performing now invokes great uncertainty. “But who will build the roads!” we hear them cry. The most intelligent answer will fall on deaf ears. This is not a rational objection; it is an emotional one. Children put their fingers in their ears and say, “Na-na-na-na! I can’t hear you!” Adults say, “But we NEEEEEED government!”

Fear is a great motivator and it is carefully used by the powers that be to keep society in line. It surrounds us, but the propaganda that we are inundated with carries powerful hidden messages. Virus scare? Good thing the government is here to respond. Terrorist threat? Thank goodness for our brave troops. Crime wave? It’s not the IRS, silly! The police are here to keep you safe. If you can’t see through the false fear mongering, you can’t see how silly all of this violent government really is.

When people are waking up, there is a threat from fear of a different kind. It is tempting to believe the doomsdayers selling survival gear while preaching apocalypse. For how long have false prophets been predicting the imminent collapse of the dollar? When you step back to take in the bigger picture, you can see that humanity marches on as we always have and it’s worth noting that overall, we are living in the most peaceful time in human history. So maybe it’s two steps forward, one step backward, but the trend is clear. I’m not saying there aren’t plenty of legitimate things to be afraid of, but a 30 year supply of tin foil hats won’t be necessary.

Some people in abusive relationships stay in them until they die miserable. Such is not the destiny of humanity in regards to our relationship with this thing called government. We have been slowly eradicating all other forms of interpersonal violence and coercion, but still carve out this one exception for government. In reality, the practice of government, that is, controlling others by force will slowly be eliminated. The institutions will be downsized, localized, and eventually dissolved. In our metaphor, we will leave the abusive relationship as we slowly admit that it is not in our best interest.

For those of us who have already left in some form, (as long as it exists and we are still in its territory, we cannot fully leave government) we can take comfort in the fact that this process is accelerating. The emotional manipulations of governments have always depended on controlling the flow of information. They can’t do that in the age of the internet. We all have the truth button at our fingertips - in our pockets - and denial is so much less effective when the facts are always present.

The message of freedom has been ahead of its time until now. Most of those who have embraced the philosophy of freedom have been activists and truth seekers. Soon, freedom will be embraced by a society facing new challenges and looking for answers. The internet is still in its infancy, especially in terms of social impact. Within the next two decades, many primary positions of social power will be taken over by those of us who grew up with the internet and have no patience for problems that exist for lack of information.

Many of us who have evolved past statism in our thinking are waiting for the rest of the world to catch up. We are ready to move past violence and feel held back by those around us who still think government is an effective way to solve problems. Such is a typical woe that faces the early adopters of any new technology. In this case, the new technology is freedom - properly understood, universally applied, held as an ultimate truth. It is replacing not just an older technology - calling the criminal enterprise of government a “technology” would be far too kind - it is ushering in a new era of humanity. We are eliminating a practice that holds us back. Governments have never loved their people. Like leaving a relationship with a sociopath, moving past government will provide society immense relief from so many ills we face today. It is tempting to be afraid when you realize the things that you should really be afraid of, but fear not, the end is near.

I am the author of FREEDOM!, a book endorsed (I mean banned) by the US Department of “Justice.” You can get a copy here. I’m running for Not-President in 2020 on the platform of the peaceful, orderly, and responsible dissolution of the United States federal government. You can find out more here. I am currently on my #TaxationIsTheft tour! You can find an event near you here. Whoever has the top comment on this post after 24 hours can claim a free signed copy of FREEDOM! by sending me a message with their address.

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I'm just trying to figure out what the government and the banks can do to stop cryptos. It seems impossible but it's hard for me to believe that they will just roll over and die.

By the way, Bitfinex already stopped selling digital securities to verified US customers, based on a statement by the SEC. They also stopped verifying US customers...

It would be easy to stop people. All they have to do is make a new rule like this;

"New rule, bitcoin is now illegal for [insert country]"

This wouldn't stop everyone, but it would stop a lot of people through fear of their lives being ruined just like everything else that's deemed illegal without causing a victim.

Global war would stop it.

You will be paid for your creative output in crypto and you will spend it on a myriad of untraceable diversions. Someone will convert it to USD for you by funneling it through a "job" you do in the white-market economy that the government knows about. The job will actually be done by machines and AI. This money would pay for your physical accommodations, "IRL". You would spend most of your time in ever advancing versions of VR and AR and R+.

I think that "we", through our independent effort and voluntary association can outmaneuver any state. We outnumber all federal employees by a ratio of 100 to 1. Even if we possessed the same rigid hierarchy, we would have more interconnections in our "organization". But we are also more densely interconnected, which greatly multiplies the disparity in capability. So I'm quite confident that we will outsmart them at an accelerating pace.

At some point the government would have to worry that crypto might no longer exchange with them.

They wouldn't stop it, just tax it.

I know right! I beat a case by delivering the birth certificate as a bond on a old case of mine, so I know they wont roll over and die if they are trading on the peoples birth certificates.

You do know the government is made up of regular people, right?

yes and that is kind of the issue. it's merely regular people, that won't do any better than anyone else, but they are granted extraordinary powers, that noone else has - or being morally consistent - shouldn't be able to transfer to them.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

But wait, there's more! ::Best Billy Mays Voice I can Muster::

The government is not giving up so easily. We are walking away from the banksters with crypto and the US Dollar really is collapsing, so the government has changed its fear tactics.

Now we have open fascists marching and chanting "blood and soil." The end is near? "Not on my watch" the government protests! I'll start a race war with a bunch of racist idiots and paid agent provocateurs.

That'll get the farm animals back in line.

Compelling as always...

...and total crap. "The End" is NOT "near" and hasn't been for centuries. What do you hope to gain by spreading this lie?

How does lying help? If you truly believe the bullshit you are spreading here, then get out of that echo chamber you dwell in, and look around. If anything you are FARTHER from your goal.

Your "end is near" declaration is an irresponsible lie.

More like an antisocial delusion.

I always appreciate your optimism Adam, I really do, and maybe it is just my cynicism, but I don't believe you. I think we have made great strides but this election and the aftermath have brought out the worst of people and has shown me the true nature of the populace. Although it feels like we are so big due to our big hearts and heavy internet activity, I don't think we are anywhere near a voluntarist society. And I think things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. I think the best thing we voluntarists can do is what you have done: go off grid and try our very best to experience freedom for ourselves, because it is extremely unlikely we will ever get society to that point in our own lifetimes.

Really would love the book ☺️
Up vote me senpaai 👀

Hi Adam,
I didn't know you were here. Great to see you. Much respect for you. Best wishes on the not- president. following you. Peace and blessings

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I believe what/who is banned on this planet!

Nice post!

The group who think the same is growing and growing!


Governments apply the orders of the moneymen and their laws that serve their interests at the expense of the people

Interesting times we live in. the question remains as to how technology will fit into our next revolutionary stage. Can it be a force that unites and enables a sovereign to flourish or will it shackle us further through invasive surveillance and police state oppressive measures.

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Interesante pero discutible!!

Kokesh for not president 2020!

The government/bankster maffia work for the 0.001% elite - to keep them in power en in control.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow, great post. You are a popular mofo!

Great message. I'm from AZ too... I'll have to check out the Ash Fork.

your link for the book you are touting, does not give me a book to download?

AND YES, I'm tired of living with a gun to my head.

The actual town of Ash Fork isn't much but the Juniper Wood area we're in is pretty cool with good climate and cool people around. Plus, Vegas 3 hours west, Phoenix 2 1/2 hours south, Flag 1 hour east, Williams 30 minutes east, Grand Canyon an hour and a half, Prescott 1 hour...if you can't tell as a Native Arizonan...I dig the location.

Was GREAT getting to shake your hand!

Your writing continues to impress man. Great post!

This seems extremely related to the newest episode of Rick and Morty...entitled something like Vindicators 3 (or at least the first 3 paragraphs of this).It's even more ironic because I don't think Adam's watched the latest episode of R & M.

While I know Adam and Ben are caught up on Game of Thrones...I doubt Adam has watched the rest of R&M. So even if Ben is watching it...Adam probably wants to watch that shit in order and never saw it.

Therefore. Awesome. Yes I've been a bit high writing, tweeting, and watching Rick and Morty with another high anarchist friend. Such are night-time off-grid past times.

I find your post really interesting ! upvoted :) @africa

The suits Mafia. they'll fall, when it's the question, and we've to know how manage a lot of thing if we really think it's possible.

you have a informative post. thanks for sharing

Thank you for this optimistic article! I think cryptocurrencies (and the "blockchain technology") have an important role to play in the process of localization. "Right now is an amazing time to be alive."

Cryptos have a lot of potential to do good for society, but I think people are seriously overestimating their adoption. I believe most of the demand for cryptos right now is purely speculative and we will see a serious crash at some point. Not only that, but I don't think cryptos will ever be effective until they are pegged to gold or silver. Their valuation, in my opinion, is meaningless without the backing of an asset that has use value.

We have been codded into thinking that we can not, or even will not be able to look after ourselves. The "need" for government has been instilled in us at a very young age. I look around and see people arguing politics, saying what needs to be done by others in positions of authority. We hear and see the outcry from countless groups, bashing the government. Blaming their problems on the proverbial "powers that be" I see this everyday. It is a symptom of the problem. The problem is not being informed on your rights. Looking to another person to fix problems for you in your life is being lazy. I was lazy too. I was uninformed too. That has changed, no longer do I need to fight and protest the "powers that be" All I need to understand is HOW government works. How to get from under the grasp that government imposes on me. I do believe that humans do not need another human to tell them how to live life, to impose on real live humans, countless laws that do not even pertain to real, living breathing humans. I would like to share a website that has been something like a life force for me. It has countless articles and information. You don't have to be "under the government" you just have to know how it works. With that being said I would like to share a website with all here in regards to your rights and how to get from under the governments thumb.


Modern governments are all about making us feel vulnerable to physical or financial threats both domestic and foreign. We all pay our taxes to build more munitions, recruit more security personal and all to quell our fears that the world outside our front door is falling into hell. Go open your front door, the sky is still blue and the birds are still singing.
Great post by the way!

I challenge you to correct your thinking. Please, take a moment to get into the website I've posted. IIt will blow your mind.


Fuck Government we have to lead by example..... Fuck politics, we have to ignore it. Fuck slavery, we have to be free.... fuck everything you know up until now.

Fucking read the website!!!! We are free.... Grab it and hold on to your destiny!!!!

I think you missed my point all together! It was about how governments manipulate us with fear tactics to keep us enslaved, keep us on a high state of panic with threats that are not real. You've immediately destroyed your own argument by telling me to correct my thinking, isn't that what the corrupt powers do, tell us how to think? Read the fucking website? Read my fucking post properly!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I posted the above mentioned website in regards to the post about government. Government garner their power by us being uniformed. PERIOD. I can not be enslaved simply because someone tells me how to think, or how to act and I just take that as law. Manipulation is for the weak -minded ones..... not me ....NOPE!!! I delved deeper into what government is. I delve deeper into understanding my position in this this life. I take hold of my life in spite and despite of the vile that is being spewed. I didn't miss your point at all, I rose above it and linked a website for you to do the same. Take control of your life and the things you think are keeping you enslaved. My mind is and will be forever free and no one can manipulate the truth. It is the truth!!! It is fact. If you have given in to this "high stake of panic" then it's on you. When I say correct your thinking it is an effort to get you to actually read the golden nugget of a website that I provided, in an effort to get you out of the rigamarole that is government and politics. I leave you in peace.

Please read it, or just one article and we can discuss without all the elementary blaming and finger pointing. The attitude is old. Let's get on some new shit. :)

Please let me know How I destroyed my argument in freedom, after you take a look at the many, many articles included in my link.

if you can get out from under the manipulation of the government... if you are able to use your mind independently... that is... i am open to discussing a problem from someone who is not a robot or an idiot that practices in futility.

Sorry I can't help you understand any further.

The website is a beacon for freedom. Knowing how to cut the cord from the government. Knowing how to surrender the fake persona back to the government. In essence "fuck the government" There are other avenues that we can take. I didn't know about it, and many Americans feel powerless to the government, law enforcement, police, Attorneys and Judges who have no rights over living souls. There is something each and every individual can do. Instead of talking about how the government isn't for the people there are actions that can we can all take to ensure our freedom and separate from this foreign owned government who have never had our best interest in mind. We can now be responsible for our own interest, we have the tools, we have the internet, we have the information there is no excuse anymore. Taking control of your own life, people taking back their life from the government is how you extract your freedom and limit their power. The website is useful.

There is no such thing as a truly just government, but (until recently) America has come as close to that as any. Unless we are knocked back into the stone age (a real possibility: war, pandemic, e.m.p., etc), governments will always exist. It is human nature to socially coalesce into groups, which then naturally form ever-larger hierarchies - families, clans, tribal groups, city states, nations... Nature abhors a vacuum, and human organization is no exception. I'd rather live under our current so-called government, than have to answer to some local feudal war-lord. I keep trying to reassure myself by remembering the preamble to the Constitution: "We the People, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this..."

It's yet another year. This word "Near" you use; It doesn't mean what you think it means.

...or were you speaking on a geology time scale?