How to dismantle government

in freedom •  8 years ago 

Given that it is our destiny to achieve a voluntary society, there are only two ways statism can end: a violent collapse or a peaceful transition. Current government systems are clearly unsustainable. If we do not start paying attention and facing up to our problems, we are headed for sudden failures of the very systems that many of us depend on. While it would be nice to be able to push a button and instantly end all coercion in the world, such a button does not exist. While pushing such a button would certainly make the world a better place, it would also have unforeseen consequences. Where there is revolution without evolution of thought, there is a power vacuum. Instead of provoking instability, we should encourage self-government to fill that void so we can have a peaceful, orderly transition to a world without governments. The way to do that is localization.

Localization is dismantling governments from the top down, first restoring power to local communities with the end goal of eliminating all organized coercion, and establishing a voluntary society based on self-ownership and universal nonviolence. In many places, governments provide the best means available to achieve this through existing subdivisions and the electoral process. In some places, localization will be most effective when central governments are simply overthrown, but it must be done with a clear rejection of any central government, not just to replace it with another.

Localization appeals to people who don’t quite support freedom, but simply want a greater say in how they are governed. The more local government is, the more relevant the voice of the individual. Under most governments today, even those with robust democracies, individual voters know their influence is usually insignificant. The global call to localize will unite people of all political persuasions, except for those who want global government.

Localizing has many immediately tangible benefits with universal appeal. Smaller local governments will be less likely to make war. Policies of social control will reflect local cultures more than the edicts of those in a distant capital. Natural resources will be used to serve local communities, rather than corporations controlled from far away.

Large central governments have proven to be great tools for consolidating wealth in the hands of the few and the enforcers are paid to keep it that way. Localization provides the opportunity for communities to reclaim unjustly-acquired property and make it more widely available if returning it to its rightful owners is not possible. This is especially important for land that has been sequestered, but can be made available for homesteading and other productive purposes.

The alternative to localization is to fight inch by inch, law by law. If we adopt this strategy, we will continue to lose ground as politicians pat us on the head for engaging in the political process while they laugh and take another mile behind our backs. We will not achieve a free society by begging governments for freedom. We will do it by demanding immediate restoration of power to our communities. The first places to embrace this strategy will lead the world toward freedom. They will be the most prosperous and the most secure. It is crucial to reverse the trend of consolidation of power as soon as possible. The longer we wait, the more difficult it will be.

Localization starts by practicing localism – building up our communities and creating the organizations to make ourselves less dependent on central governments. We could even say that localization is inevitable, it’s just a matter of how. If we ignore the problems, we can sit back, wait for the collapse, and hope our governments spare us in their violent death throes as they cling to power. If we face up to these problems, we can begin a peaceful transition that will immediately yield positive results. It will most likely be a mix of both, as some would argue that the violent crackdowns against protesters around the world are already a sign of governments losing control. The sooner we embrace localism, the sooner we can end this violence and all the violence of statism.

[This essay is derived from my book, FREEDOM!, available for free at]

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All for one and one for all! Thanks again for sharing such content with us on a platform. Namaste :)

Great stuff Adam! Your stop in Denver was awesome, I'm excited to get all those copies of FREEDOM! out at Unity, and I look forward to seeing you guys in Portland. Thanks for everything you do @adamkokesh!

We're doing it! As we're all about sustainable solutions to unsustainable problems, we're living the peaceful transition every day. We don't depend on governments, and we don't sponsor corporations. We are not complacent consumers. Freedom requires self-sufficiency, so we depend on ourselves. Our community is established and successful (thanks @quinneaker!), and we're here to prove that a better way is possible--it really is possible!!
Thanks for your voice in the revolution, @adamkokesh! We respect, honor, appreciate, and support you!

Another great piece @adamkokesh! Your visit on the For the Love of Freedom! tour was awesome, and we all look forward to your next visit to Colorado!



Stop being groupies. its not about the goverment. even if goverments fall and people still act like sheep, new goverments will form — whether you call them an-cap or voluntary it doesn't matter. You can leave the country now if you want. It is much the same staying in an-cap socity that you don't like and keep complaining about it.

watch till the very end

Its not really governments that are the problem it is the PEOPLE that are the problem!

This video put that perfect perspective on the way people turn to fear in order to justify government. "Its a racket" plain and simple .

The strategy of the criminals in charge is mainly the centralization of power to eventually form a One World Government. The European Union is a good example of how to slowly boil the frog and make nations hand over their sovereignty to a superstate, which was unthinkable after the Second World War. Because their strategy is so obvious, I too came to the conclusion that decentralization is the way to go.

If you want to decentralize power, it's essential to understand the power structure. From top to bottom the structure looks something like this:


Most people don't realize that the media, firmly controlled by the banks, is above the political class. Big Media creates public opinion and is able to make any politician rise or fall. The media and public opinion are the Achilles' heel of the system. We can't buy banks but we can create media and influence public opinion, locally even more easily than nationally. Politicians, wanting to decentralize power, supported by a powerful local alternative media would have the best chance to bring real change.

Secession and direct democracy would be great tools for decentralization. In a direct democracy, a majority could step by step create a voluntarist society, but it will only work in a community with well educated people and high moral values, who understand the relation between rights and responsibilities and are willing to fight for their sovereignty.

Adam, when are you going to endorse Hillary for dog catcher?

See what Carlin says about dog catcher elections

How do you achieve localization when the law demands federal oversight?

It would seem that you are telling us that "to fight inch by inch, law by law" is not productive, but we often run into cases where the desire for local oversight is met with federal resistance due to a federal law.

Thanks for your book, your podcasts, and videos. Keep up the good fight, Adam!


Eliminate the federal government! Thanks!

Thanks, Adam - great post!

Duuudee! The content in this post is amazing. But it looks like complete garbage! Add some pictures, add headings/sub-headings, bold/italicize text, and break up the text into shorter paragraphs.

You'll be able to promote your book so much more effectively. Trust me on this.

I'm coming out with a new post on making visually appealing content in about 9 hours. It's a MUST READ for anybody who wants to dramtically improve their content.

Here's a sneak peek of the thumbnail image:


State governments have the power to continue what the federal government was doing and even band together. Since states will do what they want anyway, I suggest running on the 10th amendment. Enforcing the 10th amendment from the anti-federalist perspective will by itself will eliminate over 95% of the federal government. There does not need to be a power vacuum, you can just break up any agency that violates the 10th amendment into 50 parts and place them under state control.

The main thing opponents will attack you on will be fear of what will happen if a monopoly of essential services quickly shuts down operation. Outside of the "but who will pick the cotton" fear based argument I also expect you to see "united we stand divided we fall" repeated everywhere.

The first one can be dismissed by assuring every citizen that as long as their state government decides to continue to the programs it was given responsibility over, nothing will change except more self determination and less corruption.

People have been trying to take on the local governments for a very long time... its not working. Even the local governments have become so corrupt with career politicians, or ones that want to be, that they will stop at nothing to maintain the control and power they have over "their" people. You may not want to hear this but I have seen the local city governments use coercion, threats, character defamation, violent force, covert weaponry and overt weaponry attacks to maintain the status quo and keep people from standing up to them. And if none of that works they spin every lie they can and people believe it. Even when you tell the average person what they are doing or how they are doing it, they don't want to believe it. If they do believe it they are not willing to do anything about it.
I know it may be difficult to realize but only when people are faced with a radical change in their life are they willing to do anything about it. Although I don't advocate anyone getting violent or wish that violence be brought upon anyone, they may end up putting themselves in that position for remaining so passively submissive. But I like how the declaration put it, "Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

I started reading this, then I was like: wait..... I already read this... It was from your book!