I am no longer posting on Facebook!

in freedom •  6 years ago 


This message will be posted on my Facebook page daily, reminding users of the censorship going on and the other platforms out there like Steemit, that are changing the social media landscape! Will you join me?

I will no longer support a platform that censors my content and forces me to pay to reach people who value my work. I will also no longer support a platform that has such an obvious political bias when it comes to what we see on our feeds. Though I will no longer support this corrupt platform, I am not leaving quietly, in fact quite the opposite as I know they would want nothing more than for us to leave without a trace.

So please join me, as I depart from Facebook and #LeaveLoudly by making this an auto post, reminding Facebook users daily of the other social media platforms out there that are not obsessively censoring them and actually pays you for your content!

Platforms like Steemit.com where you can post with no fear of censorship on the blockchain and get paid in cryptocurrency. Please check it out and follow me here: https://steemit.com/@adamkokesh

You can always email me at [email protected] with any questions and can also find me on these platforms:

TheFreedomLine.com Forums: http://thefreedomline.com/forums/

Campaign Website: http://KokeshForPresident.com/


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God only knows what else is going on behind the scenes at that evil company. If Hillary got elected, this whole Cambridge Analytica scandal would have never come to light!

I will only use FB for Airdrop advertisements. Zuckerfuck can kiss our asses. Ill go post in FB now #Leaveloudly

I keep telling people on there as well, had a few people join here so far, still working to get more off FB and to join here.

90% stuff on facebook is just trash, sometimes I scrolling down 10 minutes to find something what I wanted even if I didn't followed trash fb sites

Long live the blockchain :)

Well, from now on my social network where today and always we will have freedom of expression takes by name steemit. the revolution of social networks of the 21st century

Hola @adamkokesh
Yo tampoco publicó nada en FB.
Gracias por el artículo

we spend alot of time on facebook
what it gave us back :compromising our sensitive data,wasting our precious time
it is time to join steemit and invest your time

I believe you had your reasons in doing so, and I support you on this, you can had more value on Steemit and anywhere else.

Yeaah Yeaaah

Come over to the dark side

how do you setup auto post?

You use a third party app like https://postcron.com/

I am a big fan of you and always post in steemit to support you become president and I want to read your book -I am very interested-
I have sent an email and I want to ask? how to download your book
Thanks Mr @adamkokesh

I've been trying to get all my friends over here. Thats about the only reason I'm still there.

Yeah..!!! We should leave facebook..It can't give us information security... It stolen a lot of user information . Its a thief platform.. I think, in this reason steemit is better than facebook. In any platform we can use #leavefacebook

Good for you for not supporting a platform that loves censorship.

It must not be easy having in mind you have a lot of followers there, but your ideals are stronger than mere interest. Good for you man for speaking through your actions!


nice we will definitely follow you @adamkokesh

yeah delete FACEBOOK! and LeaveLoudly

Never too late i guess. Welcome to the daylight. Over here it's a mob of knee-crushing bullies running the show.. but still better than farcebook

@joinsteemit @deletefacebook
I am very bored with facebook full of silly people who post stupid things from waking, eating, and other silly things. very boring no benefit.
Yes it is true that people still use facebook even though they have a great platform like steemit because most do not realize or their countries have banned sites like steemit. You know now a days I really don't use facebook because it's a waste of time and at that time I can use the steemit and earn money as well as meet with extraordinary people like you @adamkokesh fear that it will disappear in the air if the steemit are increasingly popular

#LeaveLoudly I agree with you @adamkokesh @deletefacebook @joinsteemit

I have long left facebook because for me facebook is a collection of ridiculous people who post their daily life with full of silliness and inside it is filled with corruptors. facebook content without pay
Thanks for this @adamkokesh

I respect all opinions and I understand the position totally, I may be wrong, but to be honest facebook has it's place to me.
Where else can you look up just about anyone and get in touch with them, or learn about them before you meet them? Or join specific groups of like minded folks? I choose to be on it and post whatever I posted, why would I care if(OMG) someone saw it?? I hope they do and if someone is looking to get in touch with me, they can easily find me.
I understand most here like steemit as I do, I haven't been on facebook a fraction of the time I've been on steemit lately. Not necessarily here, but I see so many negative facebook comments I just don't understand.
So people got rich off of my data I provided to them, cool, the food providing companies get rich because I'm hungry and gotta eat, good for them, they collect your data too through reward cards and card transactions, no one seems to care about that?
They didn't do anything wrong in creating the platform, it brought people together and connected them like nothing before. That's a good thing I think.
I like the idea that people can look me up and learn about me if they choose to. Yeah, there could be psycos that might not like people who eat banana pudding, but I'll take that chance. Even though I'm very politically opinionated and outspoken, I don't create to much drama so I don't get much drama back.
What about google or your credit card company? They are making money from your data? Like I say, not people here but on tv mostly, so many complaints. Seems when we develop transporter technology people will complain that it is to slow, or can see their DNA! :)
It's their choice, but I would like to see people maintain a facebook presence, if nothing else at least for family and friends and the historical purposes, well at least untill everyone switches over here.:) Steemit and facebook are two different things. Steemit being the better ingenious business model from the users perspective no doubt.
I just don't understand the problem, no problem with those who might, I could very well be missing something, I have been wrong once before so one never knows. :)
I welcome differing opinions and open discussion(If the thread author doesn't object).

Yeah I just use Steemit for other things and Facebook for other things. Not everything are made for the same purposes. :)

Thats true, there is no all purpose social media platform, people can chose which to use what for, that's freedom. I would like to see steemit adopt some facebook like features, like groups and notifications, except without ads and with the potential to earn.
At any rate my facebook presence has slowed to a trickle, I spend most time here lately. As I become more familiar with it I'm sure it will become more comfortable.

Yeah that's right.

If Steemit was as user-friendly as Facebook there'd be tons of members already. Hahaha.

We want to talk loudly, without restrictions and censorship. For this why, I've already joined with you.

Facebook is not save now
It's not secure also.

I like the writing of your article is very interesting people to comment on your article ,,,
I want tips and tricks from you ,, please help

Facebook... It's instead an immoral promoter, it's more of an Idling platform. Who is ready to idle around with there good content that's is worth valued at steemit. I would rather post my good content and get paid for my work, not only paid but also appreciated in terms of reputation. Why dwell from a platform that is diminishing your writing skills, art skills, name them, it's high time people realised there is no more time to waste on facebook,only idle minds shall promote it, other wards in short facebook is for idle talks.

I will no longer support a platform that censors my content and forces me to pay to reach people who value my work. I will also no longer support a platform that has such an obvious political bias when it comes to what we see on our feeds. Though I will no longer support this corrupt platform, I am not leaving quietly, in fact quite the opposite as I know they would want nothing more than for us to leave without a trace.

This is a great initiative ventured at the right time .Its time to get up and realize our capacities on the right platforms steemit being a master piece here

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Awww... Well I still post on Facebook from time to time. I've got friends over there and it is still a good way to spread some kind of awareness on some topics.

It is not all bad there, depends on what you put out there. If it is censored then find other sites to post where it is not censored. That's what I think. Just my imho. :) There are appropriate places to post certain things.

Freedom means alive.keep it up.freedom just not a word this word means alive for always.thanks for sharing.keep going

I am sure there is this change many people will rely on your facebook and this can make good communication with friends

Will you join me?

I am at the forefront of supporting you leaving facebook, content full of sponsored corruption and theft of data.kita as users often feared
Thank @adamkokesh


That the developers of Steemit begin to expand their platforms for new users who left Facebook, when they discover that, the stemianos, that this social network we have freedom of expression

I have the same thoughts as you. Good for you man for speaking through your actions!

Ciertamente, no queremos estar reprimidos y restringuidos . muy importante tu opinión al respecto. Buen Post. te sigo. Desde venezuela Saludos.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Steemit revolution is coming...

I strongly support you @adamkokesh for @joinsteemit
Come on @joinsteemit. Invite via @twiter @istgram
I have invited friends and family to leave facebook.
We cannot change the past but we can become wiser in the future, it is never too late to try, I feel like suing Facebook for my time as Facebook causes @steemit paid crazy money so why not the users that work like workers. make #joinsteem #deletefacebook tag viral cause people need to escape from the prison. Chamath mean slap in hindi and steemit is a slap in the Facebook.

Wait! People still use FB? I thought people left that trash years ago. I guess I just assumed when I left that everyone else followed suit. Good to see more people giving that dopamine addiction up.

I can see how you do it, but I am a bit confused with this all and for what the sensors are behind the scenes.

Thank God, I hate Facebook...

I've deleted my fb account forever. Facebook zucks !!

change to get many friends through facebook is something fun for friends.