Operation Big Easy Book Bomb Update #4

in freedom •  6 years ago 

Want to help me finally free America from the federal government? http://KokeshForPresident.com

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I look forward to this project coming together. This is step one. One of these days this fantastic book will be in mailboxes all over the world.

Just how much money are you willing to pay for such a endeavor? Because you are paying...right out of the rewards pool.

@Adamkokesh I knew meeting the Convention date would be difficult, a project of that nature usually needs time to deliver - especially when you consider all constraints involved - Government process included.

August is a good time too. I think by then you may even have more publicity than you think, it'll definitely get readers interested in the project. Success Adam

@Adamkokesh I really don't have much, but I can donate 2-5% of my weekly SBD every week till it's ready for delivery. If everyone does something similar, then it may be significant

Please it's bad enough he rapes the reward pool by being given a big delegation that don't pan out in return for follower contributions back to the site, then also feels compelled to force all of us to pay for this nonsense. Look at the Libertarian FB page, it has 411 followers and no one's posted anything there since Feb 2016. What he is doing by taking from the rewards pool money to cover the cost of his book and delivery is no different then what he harps about the government taking away by having to pay taxes. Why should this site foot the cost of his book out of the rewards pool?

You think so? I thought he gives back, I've seen him give back a couple of times but I'll admit I don't have all the information.

I actually like his message and personality, but that wouldn't stop me from criticizing him if I have to.
Your last statement drives a fair point, but I don't think they measure on the same scale. For one, nobody is being compelled to do anything.

I appreciate your honesty though and maybe I should be a little more critical of those I admire, perhaps it'll throw more light to their faults and help raise constructive criticisms

My delegation is spread out. Look at my comment sections that are full of upvotes, my blog is full of upvotes and resteems, I give a 7% delegation to every post on @tribesteemup which has over 175 creators and counting, and you can see my report here: Screen Shot 2018-05-19 at 8.51.52 PM.png

Not to mention half is already paid as mentioned in the video and we listed our protocol and strategy for all to see: https://steemit.com/steemit/@adamkokesh/mysteemitformula

Welcome to Omaha my president @adamkokesh. we are looking forward to the end that feels like more and more of us are going there and spreading the good news about freedom.
America was founded on the principles of Personal Freedom. Somewhere along the way, we have lost this glorious vision. Let's explore what Freedom means and how we can achieve it.

Immediately register yourself in the EMPLOYEE WORKING event and deepen your knowledge of the Message of freedom through an experienced and experienced resource person who will lead you to enlightenment.

"Those who stop learning will become owners of the past, those who continue to learn, and deepen their knowledge will become the future owners of the endless path"

I will soon go there and have invited people to join. if you do not berkebertan to see my posting
Continued success my president @adamkokesh
Freedom ...
Thanks for this

Yeah my friends get your votes. Hell yeah that's how to change things. Your actions are being felt. Keep making positive moves. Ive had you on auto-vote! And I'm getting kickbacks on those votes from the curation rewards. So why not enjoy it. And haters gonna hate. Freedom will happen!

All I am trying to convey is that I see people on here everyday writing really good stuff and can't get their foot in the door. ( I am not including myself in that lot) Then I see people like him making hundreds off old video's and/or three, four minute long interviews that don't add up to much but personally when he takes it upon himself to notify all of us that he's going to use his Steemit advantage to rake out 120,000 from the rewards pool to distribute his book through out New Orleans in what will amount to a useless endeavor I really have to say, Whoa!..how can you justify taking that kind of money and just wasting it when so many others are struggling. I find his whole run for president amusing, it's entertaining at times, comical but 120,000 worth?...not so much.

I have written a few articles, most get little attention. But the 2 that were resteemed by Adam did generate a lot of attention and rewards (for me, not Adam). It was Adam's team that got me interested in this platform, and it's with Adam's help that my post get seen. I bet it would make you crazy to know that I'm donating some of the money I've made on this platform to his campaign, as they are the ones who helped me make it with the content I have written (as a side note, no one from their campaign has asked me for money).

Oh, and after looking at your website, the "patriot report". You look like a Russian Troll. Quit complaining that no one is interested in your right wing commentary aimed at creating dissent.

Patriot Retort isn't my site but I absolutely love someone who can put it out there like it is. I also donate all SBD to her tip jar.

Of course you luv Adam, just like him being given his advantage he has granted you yours. So much for criticizing the system in place when he plays the I'll rub your back if you rub mind to. Thanks for pointing that out to everyone that if there's ever a chance in hell he'd get elected he'd lying through his teeth just like the whole lot of them, democrat or republican.

Back to your cave, troll. Resteeming a couple of my post is hardly a conspiracy, given I've never met him. I'm donating to the campaign because I believe he'll do what he says. I believe that due to his activism. He doesn't only preach freedom, he practices it. More than any other politician or internet troll. I'm donating the money made here, because it was unexpected income. I've not been promised nor promise any portion for resteems. It's called lifting people up and doing to others as you would have done to you. I'm interested to know why all your comments are so negative.

Save your money and use it for yourself. There are a plethora of reasons why sending money to this campaign is probably not a good idea. Multiple financial/deadline problems in the past, and a questionable character at the helm. Save your SBD and use it to make yourself more free, and your community.

Well its not like the post office is funded by tax dollars, so hey why not!? Got to figure there is a lot of hard working freedom loving people working there too. So its a win win!

Well it isn't a win win when the cost of those books and delivery is coming out of the rewards pool here. Do you really think this video and message was worth the money he's taking on it? Do you think it's really fair he can get away with it because he's been gifted with delegation that gives him the power to rape the rewards pool? I for one resent having to pay for such a useless endeavor. There's a measly 411 followers on the New Orleans Libertarian FB page and no one's even posted there since 2016....what a waste!

Well it’s his upvote and he can choose whatever he would like to do with it. I don’t see the people who Delagated the steem power complaining. Until the rules are changed I see nothing wrong with it. As far as I look at it it’s fair game and honestly don’t give a rats ass. I’m more concerned about people being assholes and thinking their better then everyone and not even taking the time to give an upvote for a nice meaningful comment, or taking the time to say thank you. @adamkokesh has taking the time before to reply back to me, and he’ll I’ve even got some nice upvotes from him. So it’s not like he’s keeping all the steem power for himself. Hell he even gives a 7% upvote to a curation trail to over a 100 people!!! So tell me how is he not making steemit a better place?

When he decides to use 120,000 of reward pool money to distribute his book to every address in New Orleans.

why not reap the benefits of your investment? That is the incentive to invest into the platform. If one does not upvote themselves the can sell their vote to get similar rewards. Its all part of the eco system. Why does somebodys success bug you so much?

That endeavor is a HUGE waste of money and everybody on the platform is paying for it. He doesn't stand a chance in hell of ever being president. Ever. He knows it, the Libertarian party knows it, as a matter of fact the Libertarian Party is starting to throw everything under the bus and used ex-politicians just for name recognition, brand into their platform. Adam is at the bottom of their potential list, they will never nominate him. They just aren't going to take a chance on, I am being quite frank here, someone whose high in most the videos he puts out. Reality is reality, anarchy will never reign here, they'll never allow it, people don't want it. He's forcing everyone else to pay for his useless endeavor, it's not chump change being taken from the system. Adam has found a way to make a living selling a snake oil sales man's pitch, that's all good in itself but not at the expense of people who don't want to participate at that kind of level.

That’s a great argument you have there. I can respect that point of view. Even though I don’t entirely agree. I would say no libatarian will ever be elected since the system is rigged in favor of the mighty dollar. But that’s a whole different story. What I’m trying to say he invested into the platform, also the person who delegated the steem power invested into the platform with their money. So why hate on what someone uses or in your point of view wastes money on. It’s not like they are stealing from us. You and I can both invest money in steem power and do the same thing. Now there are people who hog the steem power to themselves and never upvote people and you know who I’m talking about. That’s pretty fucked but again people invested that money to earn that right. But let’s be real even these people raping the system, there’s still a chance for us regular folks to earn some of that money too. But the real way to earn more money is to invest more into the platform. And the more we invest the more we can take from the reward pool and we can take that away from the bad actors.

The best way I can put it is the second that you actually do something positive and are really successful people come out and start judging you on how you should spend the money and if they are not directly benefiting they have more of a voice in where you should put your money.

Then of course there is the no snitching philosophy where it is none of your business and who the hell cares what they do with what they have?

If somebody wants to write a book with what they have learned here and everybody has supported that.... well apparently this person had a lot of haterade today.

And I am excited to see any positive project succeed especially when succeeding means that there is more freedom for the people.

Remember Emily Lopez!

Yeah your right. Remember though when you get to that point there will be someone out there like him (and as you pointed out others...only doing other selfish meaningless stuff) that will cut into your share of the pie. That's the whole point. It's distributed accordingly but no matter how big or small of a take you earn from your power that take will be smaller because someone wanted to buy and mail a copy of a book to everyone in New Orleans.

Adam has found a way to make a living selling a snake oil sales man's pitch

I don’t agree with every idea expressed in your comment, but this much is right on.


Thanks to Adam for doing what must be done if freedom's ever going to see the light of day.

Just had a thought. I know, they're not all good. lol

But had this vision of No Force One! driving around New Orleans with Adam's FREEDOM! book, audio version playing out loud speakers and handing out books like a diff take on the ice cream truck.

You need a signature song that everyone could start identifying with. Remember Amy Adams singing Ron Paul's song. Wonder what's she's doing lately? Ron Paul! Save the Constitution, Oh Yeah!
Adam Kokesh! ____(fill in the blank, I don't dare)





I already want to read that book, I'll download it! I am in favor of your way of thinking and supporting how you want a better country for all Americans, I wish you the greatest success in the world

We all want to live peacefully.
We all want fair treatment.
We all want to be prosperous.
We all need freedom.
We all need love.
We all suffer under statism in the political thought of making the country as the center of all power.


invite to a cry of freedom.
Freefom .........freedom .......freedom
Supporting you as President of the United 2020.
That will bring the United in freedom.
Support I always accompany and I'll invite friends to support you @adamkokesh

I will continue to support you as you say


I'm ready 100% for freedom @adamkokesh
invite to a cry of freedom.

Yes ✔️

We keeping fighting for freedom until our last breath great post @adamkokesh your blog get to motivate us in Africa to keep the hopes alive

oh yes now its playing

I support you to continue to fight for the benefit of the people, freedom is the right of every individual

Good motivation friend, I thought your post was great, God allow and freedom comes from my beautiful country Venezuela

Having recently had my rights violated and my freedom taken away from me albeit for a brief moment I strongly support the cause and hear by upvote this post :) keep up the good fight brother and help us overthrow these fascist scum

There he is!


I strongly support @adamkokesh as United's 2020 President. This will bring United in freedom. Support I always accompany and I will invite friends to support you @adamkokesh

is the person who wrote the book FREEDOM, a book that only 100 sheets is very easy to understand.
You have to read it and I'm sure you'll agree with me. Here you can find the FREE book in text form and the audio version is read by you-right @adam Kokesh



I strongly support @adamkokesh as United's 2020 President. This will bring United in freedom. Support I always accompany and I will invite friends to support you @adamkokesh

is the person who wrote the book FREEDOM, a book that only 100 sheets is very easy to understand.
You have to read it and I'm sure you'll agree with me. Here you can find the FREE book in text form and the audio version is read by you-right @adam Kokesh


i just clicked this picture but there is some error :( i wanna see this video @adamkokesh

aprendo un poco ingles con sus Dtube

You know I fully support you and so does a whole bunch of people in Houston! I’m gonna write a blog on steemit for you about your book bomb! Keep up the great work Adam!

Its amazing job, well done and l always support you as long as l can

You got my support!!


Great job friend, I admire the way you express your ideas and you want a better country, striving to achieve it! I really like watching your videos and reading your articles, Regards

Upvoted and resteemed. Wishing you the best of luck in your quest.

If I could be anything I would be your tear, so I could be born in your eye, live down your cheek and die on your lips.

Folks that donated were under the impression this would be executed by the time of the convention, as per Kokesh’s original posts. “Book bong” may have been a more accurate assessment.

I love it! Whether you get elected or not, (which I cannot honestly say whether I will even vote or not) the message of freedom and the non-agression principal is getting out there. Thank you Adam!

is great the knowledge you have and more you can make them known in this fabulous book, I hope to read it to nourish this information of great category, greetings brother

Thank you for your work , I really do appreciate you . 🙏👏👍

Love it and spread freedom where you go! Love seeing how your helping so many and growing even more people. You got my vote!

I wouldn't be on steemit if not for Adam promoting it in many of his videos. He has over 13,000 followers just on steemit and it seems quite appropriate for all of them to buy some books to distribute in their area using cryptocurrency earned on steemit.

I like this idea a lot and I'll be buying some books, my area sure needs it. I only have to figure out how to do that. lol

dang this is all complicated to me. I don't understand the wallet even yet.

I'm going to be repeating this message though, it seems... righteous