Work Freedom!

in freedom •  7 years ago 


Because governments exist to serve the needs of their sponsors, they often herd people into tax slave jobs that make them miserable. This is achieved through “education” and propaganda, but also by more direct means like taxation, incentives, and impeding creation of small businesses. Governments also employ numerous people directly because it gives them more control and makes people even more dependent. More people employed by governments means fewer people who will want to challenge government power. Government employees are often well taken care of, but they are also responsible for all the immorality attributed to government.

If you work for a government, you might be doing very good work, but it is important to acknowledge that the money you are paid comes from some form of theft. Governments often take over legitimate social functions, like public safety and charity. Even people who provide value as government workers are, at best, contributing to dependence. At worst, they are committing horribly immoral acts as enforcers who point guns at peaceful people, or carry out other acts of coercion. Most government employees are simply feeding off the taxpayer and providing little value to society. If you work for a government, you might have been promised great pensions and benefits. All such promises from government are promises to steal from future taxpayers. Government pensions are not as dependable in the long run as they would have you believe, especially now, as so many governments are being replaced in revolutions or defaulting on their debts.

Many people who don’t work for government do so indirectly, and not just as taxpayers. If you work for a corporation that contracts with government, you might be having a worse effect than someone working for it directly! Many people in this position understand exactly what they are doing. They are working against the cause of freedom and sacrificing their morality for a paycheck. This may come with perks, but you can’t buy happiness, and without living virtuously, it is much more difficult to be happy.

In most countries it is difficult, but not impossible, to make an honest living without sacrificing a portion of the fruits of your labor as taxes. We should all strive to minimize the amount we pay in taxes in order to defund government violence. If we want to minimize our contribution to evil, we must consider how we can change our lifestyle or sources of income. Because governments cannot steal from what they cannot see, they demonize people who work “off the record” or “under the table.” However, this course is far more noble and moral than working in a way that guarantees you will be a sponsor of government violence.

Sometimes, working off the record gives you much more flexibility. You may find this flexibility is worth earning less, but it often leads to earning more, as you can be far more creative. Creatively directing resources is the heart of entrepreneurship. Governments work very hard to beat this creativity out of citizens to keep us working as tax slaves, but it is easy to rekindle and very rewarding. Governments stifle entrepreneurship with regulatory barriers to small businesses, but a true entrepreneur is not discouraged by challenges.

Governments and banks encourage tax slaves to take on debt as a way to make them dependent on their jobs. Many people fall into this trap by living beyond their means. Sometimes high earners are trapped by their salaries when they use them to take out loans for big homes and expensive cars. Debt makes you a slave and we should all avoid putting on any more chains than necessary. Sometimes, earning less money, or just living within your means, provides more flexibility and freedom.

The most important thing to consider when choosing how to apply ourselves is whether or not the work is consistent with our values. Many of us sacrifice doing what we love for a steady job, or one that meets the expectations of others. Do not succumb to such emotional servitude. If you can’t find a way to sufficiently support yourself or your family by doing what you love, at least do something you can be proud of. When we sacrifice our values for immediate material gain, we suffer in the long run. Assert your freedom by applying yourself to what you love.

Chapter 9 Section III From FREEDOM! by Adam Kokesh


I am the author of FREEDOM!, a book endorsed (I mean banned) by the US Department of “Justice.” You can get a copy here. I’m running for Not-President in 2020 on the platform of the peaceful, orderly, and responsible dissolution of the United States federal government. You can find out more here. You can find an event near you here. Whoever has the top comment on this post after 24 hours can claim a free signed copy of FREEDOM! by sending me a message with their address.

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Social Security is the real, biggest ever, violent and shameless Ponzi scheme.

Superb post as per normal. did Richie get in touch Adam?

Why do communists only drink herbal tea? Because proper tea is theft.

ah, a Vegas stage awaits such a comedian. LOL

Nic post.

irony occurs in developing countries. Many people think working for the government is a pride. Many people queue to become civil servants. They believe by being employees, their lives will be assured. At least they will not starve. Whereas compared with private employment like Lawyer actually have a much higher income than the civil servants. The income of civil servants is very mediocre, therefore many of them are then doing corruption, stealing public money from the state treasury. or conspiring, cheating, betraying the people and the law for personal gain.

Thanks for sharing your thought . . . . .
But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty,once lost, is lost forever.
The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that you very existence is an act of rebellion .
and @adam why is your book banned?

Where is his book banned? How can anyone stop this audio file from spreading?

Please, donate 10 minutes a day, 6 days a week to spread this around to your social circles. Thank you! Our lives depend on it.

Great to see you on steemit @adamkokesh!! #freedom

Thank you for sharing. I strongly agree with your comments noting "the most important thing to consider when choosing how to apply ourselves is whether or not the work is consistent with our values".

great post ...!

Figuring out how to produce enough income is a challenge but I do agree with this post

I hope the attendees of AnarchoForko can put partying aside for a bit and discuss what you bring forth!


obey, whom? ...or what?

These are important considerations. I just began to spend time creating things I'm interested in. It's an awsome experiance & has proven very fulfilling. Get rid of the state so they stop perverting peoples incentives & motivations. I feel many more of our brothers & sister will find those projects that provide a fulfilling experiance in absence of the state.

Nice post, Adam. Let's all promote living our dreams. Everyone on the planet deserve freedom and happiness.

all well and good, but WHEN DOES THE CAMPAIGN START?...............

What do you think of Objectivism? You know, Ayn Rand's philosophy.

The emotional servitude weighs on the spirit so much. I have made the mistake of allowing myself to get stuck working jobs that affected my emotional well being. Routine is more comforting than the unknown...I recently quit two jobs that were very unfulfilling. I am now very excited to pursue my passions that are more in touch with the messages from Freedom.

How shall we retrain people so that they have the skills to work in new ways that do not support this system? Most of the workforce (self included) is dependent on income streams that have robbed them of all practical skills.