in freedom •  9 years ago 

"Scripture teachings say that Homosexual act's are sinful" Oh really? Which verse in the Bible exactly says that people can't love another person with the same gender? People who claim to be religious and speak about love and compassion, yet shade the LGBTQ community are highly hypocritical. Let me ask you a question "Do you really think you should fall in love with someone's genitals over their soul?" 

Because if you ask me, that's just shallow and sad.

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Leviticus 20:13, for starters.
There is nothing saying you can't love. But contemporary society confuses love with sexual relations.
Also, the Bible is clear about the wrongness of any sexual relations outside of marriage.
Do LGBT folks always get treated fairly by Christians? No. We all fall short of the ideal that Jesus Christ set for us.
As a Christian, I don't condemn anyone but myself, but neither do I support immoral sexual behavior.