Abortion does not violate the NAP

in freedom •  7 years ago 


Abortion is a controversial topic even within the pro liberty crowds. I understand the pro life views and they some have decent points example would be all life is sacred. My biggest reason to being pro choice is that the government should have absolutely no say in the choice of an individual. But that reasoning has nothing to do with the NAP when it comes to individuals. If you cannot control your body and what is in it you are not free. If you cannot evict an organism from your body you are not free. If that organism cannot survive outside the host is it the host's fault?

I know it's cold to compare a potential human to a parasite and it's not the fault of the fetus that it was created. While I would not encourage abortion as birth control it's something that only the individual can decide. Most pro life people are okay with abortion when the pregnancy comes from rape or has put the mothers life in risk but they are against it for when individuals just don't want a child.

There is the saying don't do it if you don't want an accident or something similar. Well accidents happen and to have the state control decisions made based on accidents is evil and wrong. If you accidental leave a door unlocked and intruders walk into your home are you not allowed to remove them because you left a door unlocked? Same basic logic removing a unwanted organism from your body is not a violation of the NAP but using your freedom to decide what is in your body.

Well this is a controversial opinion on a controversial topic I'm assuming but maybe more than I think will agree with it. I do not believe abortion violates the NAP and I absolutely do not want the state involved in the individual's choices.

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"My body"

Scary gross pictures to try and create an emotional response won't work on me. The anti gun folks use the same tactic with bodies of gun victims. I care about freedom not emotional hysteria.

The only scary thing about them is that

  1. your society (and you) are at peace with that practice
  2. God's wrath will not be withheld forever

If you care about freedom, how about the baby's freedom?
Would it have been OK to be "hysterical" about throwing Jews in ovens in 1943 Germany?

I'm an atheist so don't give a shit about any god. And the host is more important than the fetus.

Also using the holocaust come on really?

Offspring are not parasites. That's basic biology.

And you're right, it's far worse than the Holocaust.

\I'm an atheist so don't give a shit about any god\

You really should. He owns you. Someday you'll stand before Him to give an account.