(17 August 1947) On This Day

in freedom •  7 years ago 


As all you know that we (Indians) got independence on 15th of august and became a independent country. But the main thing which is most inmportant is that on 17th of august britishers dipatches their first batallions from india. images(5).jpg![images(5).jpg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmWPH84eB6yLCLxpD2VNCDf2nffayFQmt6wNQySzVb6XNn/images(5).jpg]

The first british troop leaves from india on 17thZ.jpg

One talk of hundreds talk is that we got freedom by the contribution of the thousands freedom fightersanf our great leaderswhose contribution gave us this beautiful independent country.

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