Is there any way to wake people up faster to the partisan ruse and recognize the common enemy?

in freedom •  5 years ago 


At a time when the First Amendment is under full blown assault by corporate tech oligarchs with the help of bought-and-paid-for politicians of both major parties, it’s useful to recall a famous quote attributed to Joseph Stalin:

"Ideas are far more powerful than guns, and we do not let our enemies have guns, so why should we allow them to have ideas?"

As one of the most notorious opponents of free speech in the 20th century, the Bolshevik-Soviet regime murdered 66 million of its own citizens.

Today, the oligarchs who control the US government (with the help of their puppet politicians in both parties) have become the world’s most noteworthy, and arguably the most dangerous, enemies of free speech.

The same plutocratic power structure is also asset stripping the US and destroying multiple other nations through the phony “War on Terror” based on false flag and WMD lies, along with various other large scale financial frauds, destruction of the middle class, and dismantling other parts of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Fourth Amendment is already gone, and they’re obviously targeting the Second Amendment along with the First Amendment.

Meanwhile, all but the most indoctrinated victims of MSM propaganda realize that the Jeffrey Epstein case exposed a huge foreign intelligence-run pedo sex blackmail operation that targeted high level politicians for at least 20 years, which, along with legalized and illegal bribery, explains why so many of our “public servants” support such damaging policy... decade after decade, regardless of what party is “in power” at any given time.

Yet the majority of voters, including highly “educated” and otherwise intelligent voters, continue falling for the partisan charade, seemingly incapable of looking UP at the one plutocracy which controls both parties and owns all of mainstream media.

They continue taking their cues from the MSM propaganda machine... ignoring all of the above, talking about what THEY tell us to talk about, trusting the Establishment-approved puppet politicians THEY tell us to choose from.

It’s hard to think of anything more stupid than continuing to fall for it. After all, it’s never been so obvious. Yet the richer and more criminally abusive the plutocrats become, the dumber the public seems to get. Is it the fluoride?

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