Liberal Canada (and the US for that matter) is under threat like never before.

in freedom •  4 years ago 


VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) reports that as of May 15th so far 4,178 Americans have died shortly after taking one or more of the Covid “vaccinations”; these deaths include teens as young as 15, a demographic whose danger from Covid is almost too small to estimate. Over the last 20 years deaths from all vaccines combined totalled 4,182. The death toll from Covid injections has accumulated over the last four months and there seems little doubt that the 20 year toll will be exceeded very shortly.

There is strong evidence that VAERS grossly under-reports vaccine adverse reactions. In 2010 the US Department of Health and Human Services commissioned a study by Harvard of the VAERS reporting system; Harvard found that VAERS reports only 1% of the real adverse effects of vaccines. Other studies (1995, 2015) have come to the same conclusion.

So in four months Covid injections have probably killed not 4000 but over 400,000 Americans. By contrast after the new swine flu vaccine had caused 500 cases of paralysis and 53 deaths in the 1976 epidemic the vaccine was pulled from the market.

Dr Ben Edwards, a family practice physician of over 14 years experience, testified this month before the Texas Senate Committee on State Affairs that he has personally received numerous reports from relatives and friends of his patients of adverse reactions following Covid injections within days or even hours. These adverse events include stroke, heart attack, pulmonary embolism, blood clots, sudden death and that as far as these people knew none of these adverse reactions were attributed by the hospital to Covid injections and would not have been reported to VAERS.

It is estimated that over 50% of Texans have acquired natural immunity by having recovered from Covid. Studies have shown convincingly that people who have natural antibodies to Covid are at far greater risk of adverse reactions from the Covid “vaccinations”. It must necessarily be the case that the percentage of Americans who have natural immunity is very high nation-wide. And that would extend to Canada as well.

Yet US universities, for instance, are all insisting that all returning students take the Covid injections as a condition of being allowed on campus. These universities include Harvard, Yale, Georgetown, all the major universities. How many of these young students will have natural immunity already and will consequently be at terribly increased risk of even fatal reactions?

Forcing anyone to take a medical procedure, including an injection, against their will is a violation of our Canadian law and of numerous international codes including the Nuremberg Code, the UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 7, the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 3, and the UNESCO Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights, Article 6. In Canada as well as the USA people are being pressured to “voluntarily” submit to these injections. Governments have not yet broken the fragile partition that protects us from forced injections. But corporations with power equal to or greater than many legislatures are attempting to abolish civil freedom.

Given the coercion being applied by such major US universities as Harvard and Yale I would not be surprised if UBC in Vancouver, along with other universities and colleges, attempts to make “voluntary” Covid vaccination a condition of returning to campus for students or even for administrators, teachers and staff.

I would not be surprised but I would be outraged, probably helplessly outraged. But at least I am retired except for my part-time job on campus which I have been happy and privileged to work for 20 years. I would be sad beyond words to leave and bitter beyond words to be deprived of my job and the comradeship of my young colleagues because I will refuse to take a forced injection.

But I’d be OK. What about people whose livelihood and future depends on UBC? What about the students, their parents and friends? How many of them are aware that these young people could be put at life altering risk from these injections?

Will our provincial and federal governments make taking the Covid injections a condition of employment in the civil service or even sitting in federal or provincial legislatures? How far will it go? How can it possibly go anywhere at all without violating the criminal and civil laws of Canada?

Will our federal parliament be forced to change the law to allow forced injections? The Prime Minister’s Office, empowered by a Liberal majority, a reliably co-operative NDP and a completely prostrate and useless official opposition Conservative Party, has all the power it needs to have our laws changed and our constitution with it – such changes have been done before in 2016. So the plea that forced injections violate our laws could be made moot with terrifying ease. Given the known lax and fluid attitude of our Supreme Court towards our constitutional rights it might not even be necessary to have our laws eviscerated to abolish our human rights in practice.

Canadians are as complaisant as could be about our civil rights. They don’t have a clue how much the dictatorial power of the Prime Minister’s Office has grown in the last 40 years. I’m through wasting my breath trying to wake my friends to the danger. The more I say it the less believed I am. Our fate is in God’s hands. Which is a phrase I don’t bother using because it’s forbidden by accepted custom in Liberal Canada.

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