If We Are Not Pissed Yet, Then I don't Know If We Ever Will Be.

in freedom •  7 years ago 

When did we allow this.... Everyone around me just goes about their day, enjoying sometimes and being mad other times.. For me i'm usually stagnate, sometimes i'm being me, but most of the time their is one thing on my mind. I get up in the morning and....
Thank you CPSC! Without you I would have the worst mattress in the world, it would probably just burst into flames. I get up and I head to the bathroom to use the mouthwash and...
Yes thank you FDA without you this mouthwash would be really bad for me, you know because i'm to stupid to make sure products I use are safe for me. Then I head to the kitchen to get my coffee ready, then I go and I get my dog out of his dog cage so he can go get his food and...
Ah of course because if we did not have a government regulator like President
Stan Cook
Jefferson City, MO

Robert Geiger
West Lafayette, IN

Immediate Past President
Ken Bowers
Topeka, KS

Ali Kashani
Olympia, WA

Sr. Director
Kristen Green
Lexington, KY

Sr. Director
Erin Bubb
Harrisburg, PA

Jr. Director
Bob Church
Helena, MT

Jr. Director
Dave Phillips
Bismarck, ND

Jr. Director
George Ferguson
Raleigh, NC

If we did not have these people regulating everyone who tries to produce and sell dog food, then we would have people making dog food that kills dogs.... Yeah so then I go and grab my computer, you know the one i'm using to type this right now! and.......
Know I don't know how people want to spin this one, because I can not think of a good reason why the federal government should have the power to regulate all communications. As if we dont have freedom of speech anymore? So anyways this is what I think about in my daily life, just how involved the state is in our lives. You cannot go to sleep on a bed without the government having a say in how that bed was made, how much it cost, and who can or cant sell them. So this is why I don't know why were or not in the streets right now, oh yeah we are all a bunch of Benedict Arnold's. This is why I will get elected to be a representative of the people by the people and for the people, I will make sure that another man does not benefit at your expense, and I will also make sure that you do not benefit at the expense of someone else. I will go into congress with my only thoughts being, "how can I get the government out of the peoples lives, so they can live their life how they choose". I do not want to decide your life for you! Well thanks for reading guys, please upvote, follow, and resteem!

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I wouldn't get too disheartened. Political responses to bullshit are generational. Ie, the people who notice the bad early don't number high enough to force the issue. But if they are correct more people will inevitably join against whatever is causing problems and eventually it will meet a tipping point. After that it could land anywhere from peaceful settlements to chaos. Hell, even in the declaration of independence it mentions it "and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." It's gotta get really bad for a lot of people, and they have to then collectively realize how bad it is and how far it goes. Then things move faster than anyone could predict.

Thank you for reading and the comment, my problem is I'm pissed enough to be in the streets with everyone or in a civil war now! I just notice that others are not on the same page, they are okay with their rights being violated daily, and their government breaking the law!