65 yr old x hippie story # 1steemCreated with Sketch.

in freedom •  7 years ago 

No Way can I cover 50 years of anarchy in one post so, I'll break it into memories. When I was 11 yrs. old my older brother had to go into the army. We were raised by a single mother . I was alone a lot . I ended up reading the encyclopedias and the popular science books. The bible even got some play . I think they were called the World book of knowledge. And they portrayed the world in such a positive light. One thing that caught my attention was Electrolysis. It explained how much energy is in a drop of water and soon the whole world will be running on water. A simple process of breaking the hydrogen and oxygen bond into unlimited clean free energy. Yeah, That will be great! It also described the propaganda in Nazi Germany and how they burned books and poisoned prisoners with fluoride. And also went into great detail of the healing properties of plants. Good Reading. My mom was pleased. Then some guy came to the door wanted to sell us new encyclopedias and they would take those pesky old ones away for free. I didn't want to give up the old ones and wondered why they couldn't cover just the last few years. Anyway the new ones came and the old ones went and history was changed. Electrolysis was now the removal of hair follicles. And fluoride is now good for you. Plants were portrayed as weeds with latin subtitles. So now the world running on water thing is out. Flouride is in everything and many weed plants could land you in jail. Then I recalled a speech I heard from John F Kennedy about a covert organization that relies on secrecy and subversion that sends gorrillas out at night. I was younger when I heard it, but his message was clear and he got assassinated . In those years it was quite clear that the ones who killed kennedy were in charge now. The police changed radically from Andy Griffith to the gestopo. Before I turned 18 I had been chased, strip searched, beaten, shot at, beaten by 5 cops at once, hog tied , maced, and put in a mental ward. They were handing out lobotomies like candy back then, and had electrocution theropy, that was really big at the time for unruly teenagers. Thank got I didn't get one of those. But they did hook a bunch of wires up to my head and i could see my brain all lit up on a tv screen. Needless to say it was no mystery to me who killed Kennedy. I recall seeing JBL, the murderous conspirator, getting himself sworn in on the presidential plane with Jackie kennedy nearby wearing her blood soaked coat. Soon after we had racial problems everywhere and Viet Nam. I was certain I only had a few years left. I thought the War was over. DRAFT! VIET NAM? ! WHAT? Why do so few people see this? And whats worse was all my favorite music artists were dying . Only the ones that spoke out against the establishment. George Harrison (taxman),Bob Marley,(stand up for your rights), Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Too many to be coincidence. Those warlords are in control of the entire planet and I can only pray that Donald Trump is the real deal, but I won't be convinced until they take the fluoride out of the water and stop the endless assault on everyone everywhere that isn't part of their cult. I think Steemit Is part of the cure. And I'm am launching this series of posts that covers this hippies survival that includes glimpses of times before and after JFK. People were literally bawling everywhere, with good reason, after he was killed. Skyscrapers don't disintegrate into dust and cars don't melt that are blocks away and most concrete and steel fires don't turn to lava for months afterward. What is wrong with everybody? Now, Thankfully, there is something we can do about it. May the voices of freedom and Steemit grow together and maybe a giant statue of Dan Larimer, (creator of steemit),will be standing in a park one day. There were days when police would give you a ride home if you were drunk and no one locked their cars and houses. Awesome stories of 60s and 70s adventures to come. Thanks for reading.

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Greetings brotherdave,

Just came here to put in my 1 SBD of upvote for the wife post and this one. Pretty cool write up, throwback, and I have to admit your memory is sharp there buddy.

Will go read your other stuff soon.

Keep it coming! Steem on.

Thank you so much Youda best!!!

good read. BTW I was also in Army for few years.

I was a C O : ) !!! (consciencous objector)

very nice story. Thnx @brotherdave

You seem to have a good grasp at things and see the truth in it, thanks for sharing! @brotherdave

Great reading, i missed the 60/70´s so i have no personal connection to it or what down back then but you seem to have a good grasp at things and see the truth in it, thanks for sharing!

Yeah 3 months long underwater fire , that´s some nice jet fuel!

your interests in electrolysis are really fascinating which recalled my schooling experiments on it. It always brings the chills on us when we cherish the past and I understand you've dealt a lot in the past. thank you for sharing it with us. {And a small suggestion make sure you write it in paragraphs which would make easy for readers to read.} :)

Oopsie, thnx for the tips and thank for reading my story.

Good morning read :)

Can't make this stuff up, I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't live it. thnx 4 the comment

Thank you for this good story @brotherdave
Good Luck.

Very nice story. You used fluent language. Thanks for post

stories are always good and if they inspire i like the most

Thank you, soo much . I am reborn, being able to relive my past like this

It's unfortunate how the narrative of history is being changed before our very own eyes. Thanks @brotherdave for this insightful post.

i like your blogs :) your narrative language good

-Awesome stories of 60s and 70s adventures to come-
wooow fantastica

i like this story bro. Thanks fr share.

Very good story my friend thank you.

Aaah !! Thank you !! You resteemed me!! yudabest!!

Very good memory to share with us. Cheers.