How To Legally Take Back Your Power and Set Yourself Free!

in freedom •  7 years ago 


This article is written from my perspective growing up under the law as it exists in England and Wales. However, the principals apply around the world, especially for countries that have been ex colonies of the British Empire.

Upon close inspection, our laws seem to be a mix of Roman and Maritime Law. Our birth (berth) being registered upon 'delivery.' I know Jordan Maxwell has some interesting research on the common links between commerce, law and maritime law definition and lexicography.

The Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 then has greater significance to us all when the Birth Certificate is brought out of the Maritime context. It appears that we are given 7 years to declare ourselves not 'lost at sea' in the sea of commerce and from then on our identity remains a 'corporation' (dead entity).

From then on, we are a ward of the state: obliged to go to school through threat of prosecution, access to welfare at the mercy of the state, vulnerable to social services and statutory acts. etc

This is probably why as kids we are prefixed with 'Master' and then we are demoted to "Mister" when we grow older and most of our official documents then indicate our name in all capitals: In Roman Law: Capitis Diminutio Maxima (meaning a maximum loss of status through the use of capitalization, e.g. PAUL SHEPHERD or SHEPHERD PAUL) - "The highest or most comprehensive loss of status. This occurred when a man's condition was changed from one of freedom to one of bondage, when he became a slave. It swept away with it all rights of citizenship and all family rights. "

You only need to look at the names on credit cards, court documents and grave stones to as a clue to the mechanism. This capitalised identity is sometimes known as the strawman and acts as an interface from the natural being that you are to the commercial game of life, since law is incapable of interfacing directly with flesh and blood.


The credit card is a good indicator here. Look on your name on the front. It's in capitals? your strawman. Turn the credit card over to the signature strip and it says "Authorised User." paul shepherd is the authorised user of PAUL SHEPHERD. This strawman is the token for getting onto the Monopoly board and playing the commercial game of life.


It's a game based in paper that we unwittingly give power by our consent. e.g. when a policeman asks " Do you understand?" You might think he is asking whether you comprehend. No, he's asking whether you under-stand or stand-under his authority. What do you say? Yes, given consent, and off you go to the 'dock' for judgment. Whenever a policeman or judge asks for your ID and asks is this you? You are consenting to authority by binding yourself to your strawman identity.

There's no need to run to the hills in order to escape though, as long as we recognise our own power as a conscious, living flesh and blood being and that it's our choice whether to concede to state statute and civil process or not. But the state doesn't like not having jurisdiction. In theory, if you don't give the state jurisdiction then you are free. In reality, there is no guarantee that the state won't ignore their own rules or use coercion to force your consent.

There are maxims in law, one being:
quivult decipi decipiatur. [Let those who will be deceived, be deceived]
This makes us victims of our own ignorance and is the basis of "failure to know the law is no excuse."

Which law though?

  • Natural law - we obey the law of gravity on a daily basis.
  • Common Law - 'Lawful' laws which generally relate to causing harm or loss. e.g. murder, assault, theft...
  • Statute Law - 'Legal' law created by 'Acts' passed by parliament. "Given the force of law by the consent of the governed." More than 60,000 of them, which makes a mockery of the phrase "ignorance of the law is no excuse." No one person can know 60,000 statutes but remember they are only acts given the force of law by the consent of the governed.

Rules for Living

The law is a pretty dry and boring subject for most people and you don't have to know all of it to protect yourself from state violence. Think of it as a tool for your benefit. It is there for all of us not just for them.

Really there is only one rule you should remember. "Cause no Harm or Loss." This covers a lot of common law in its generality. Some statute base issues can be converted from criminal to civil which can get you out of trouble somewhat. e.g. If a bailiff clamps your car for an unpaid parking ticket. Giving your address to the bailiff changes the matter from criminal to civil and you can proceed to remove the clamp unless criminal damage is committed to it. Securing the clamp to your garden fence and applying a fee for removal is just as applicable, in law, to the bailiff as the bailiffs original action to you.

Next, browse the maxims in law. When the law was incomplete, inadequate and defective, the maxim of equity was applicable. Here's a good list

Maxims of Law

You are not the token on the board, you are the hand that moves it. In other words, you are able to use your strawman identity but you don't have to bind yourself to it.


Learn the tricks that 'authorities' use for gaining your consent and be vigilant for them.

Remember: "Let those who will be deceived, be deceived" will be used against you and its up to you to be wise and alert.

Finally. The state regularly breaks its own law so you won't always win and you may not be immune to unlawful violence and abduction...

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