Our Journey to Acapulco, Mexico

in freedom •  7 years ago  (edited)


So Casey and I (Che) finally made it to Acapulco!.... Well, actually we made it about three weeks ago just haven't gotten around to writing!

(Casey left; Che right)

What an amazing three weeks it has been, but that's for a different time. My main point for this post is to let anyone and EVERYONE know it is completely possible to move out of the USSA and, at least in our experience, transition to Mexico with ease. This may not be the case for every single person, but most times it is smooth.

In our case, it was BEYOND easy, especially through the border. We traveled from Naples, FL to Eagle Pass, TX in two days, sleeping in rest stops along the way. We even met a cat, Silent Bob, while in Texas.

Once we made it to the border, a toll attendant asked for $3.50 USD and wished us a good day (at least I think that is what she said in Spanish). After that moment...we were in Mexico, Piedras Negras to be specific (a whopping 6 minutes to cross the border).

Now the drive through Mexico looks mostly like this...

And this...

Mountains, as well...

Occasionally, you will see towns along the way, and even smaller towns once you reach the mountains along the southwest coast.

It took us a day and a half, and being stopped by the Mexican Military twice (which was hilarious btw) to reach Acapulco from Eagle Pass. It was one of the most relaxing moves we have every managed, and the city.... WE LOVE ACAPULCO!

Hopefully with Casey's help, I will stay motivated to post, at the very least, one new and exciting experience a week. Until next time!

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Tell me about the military stops

We made it all the way through Guadalajara with no problems! About 5-6 hours away from Acapulco, the Mexican Military signaled for us to pull over. We ignored them and drove right through their check-point. They DID NOT like that! 😂 They caught up to us at the next set of topes, with one Hummer behind us and another truck in front of us. They wanted to check the car for "explosives and drugs". For maybe 15-20mins, we repeated that we were from the US and on vacation...they weren't buying it, plus they seemed bored so they really just wanted SOMETHING to do. We eventually allowed them to look in the trunk, which surprise surprise, had nothing but clothes and such 😂 The look on their faces was priceless, so MUCH disappointment. After that, they wished us a good day and we continued on. The second run-in with the Military was not so eventful, kinda just waved us through.
