I Just Bought my Ticket for Anarchapulco 2019 – The Largest Gathering of Free Thinkers in the World

in freedom •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hi Steemit and Dtubeiverse!

I am so incredibly excited because I am now going to be attending Anarchapulco next year. It is considered the largest gathering of free thinkers ,voluntarists, libertarians and ancaps in the world.

They have an incredible lineup of speakers already confirmed, with more to come. The event will take place in Acapulco Mexico next February. The speakers will discuss entrepreneurship, investments, politics, philosophy, health, sustainability, lifestyles and personal relationships for four days among the sun and beaches of a world-class resort. The theme for next year is “Make Anarchy Great Again”… which is a little cheeky, but I’ll take it.

They are expecting more than 4,000 people and are actually booking the entire resort where the event is being held. Can you imagine being surrounding by that many likeminded people? In my day to day life, it’s rare for me to run across another Libertarian. Here on Steemit I’ve found community with a lot of people who have a freedom mindset. The energy of that many passionate, creative, liberty focused people all being in one space will be incredible.

I’ll be attending with my boyfriend @raised2b and am beyond stoked for this opportunity. #cryptocouple #goals.

Seriously though, we’d love to start attending more events like this in the future. I’d say this is a pretty incredible one to start with!

The public presale for tickets goes until May 31st. Tickets are $345, but will go up to $399 after that.

Here’s a promo video for the 2019 event:

Some Confirmed Speakers

  • Ron Paul

  • Andrew Napolitano

  • David Icke

  • Doug Casey

  • Cynthia McKinney

  • Larken Rose

  • Max Igan

  • Jeff Berwick

  • Vit Jedicka

Keynote Speaker – Ron Paul

In my opinion, Ron Paul encompasses what a political leader should be. His morals, convictions, and search for truth make him one of the only presidential candidates I have ever been really excited about voting for. In fact, during his 2012 race I went to the Republican Caucus and got got my name on the ballet to become a Precinct Committee Officer.

Ron Paul’s book “End the Fed” is a really enlightening read, especially for those who live in the United States. I’d highly recommend it.

My History with Political Activism

I don’t talk about politics much here on Steemit, so you guys may be surprised to learn a bit more of my background. I used to identify as a Republican, because it was the closest thing to my belief system – even though there were a lot of points that didn’t totally line up. Once I started volunteering with my local republican party – I started learning more about Libertarians and what they stood for. This was a huge turning point for me because I finally felt like there was a political party that lined up with my beliefs and supported a freedom mindset.

Here’s the part that might surprise some of you…

In 2010 I was a co-campaign manager for a State House of Representative race. Our candidate had never run for office, but was a local business owner and activist in the Republican Party. He was running against a 17 year incumbent who really brushed us off as any kind of potential candidate. We assembled a team of people that were new to the world of politics (like myself) and brought fresh ideas to the table.

The incumbent was pretty shocked to see us crush the primary election – but at that point, she had already lost too much ground and it was hard to recover. He ended up winning that election – and it’s honestly something I’m really proud of. I had never worked on a campaign before, and so to work that hard for so long and see a victory was a big accomplishment. To be honest though, getting a little more “behind the curtain” made me really sad for our country and the type of blaming and manipulative tactics that are used on both sides of the aisle. This further opened my mind to the ideas of the L

I honestly have not been very involved in local politics for quite a few years. It was really draining to both me and my spirit. I may be open to getting involved again in the future, but for now – I have shifted my main focus to things that feed my energy bucket instead.

Who Else is Attending?

The 2018 speaker lineup featured both @adamkokesh and @benswann. I really hope you will both be speaking or attending again next year! It would be great to meet you both in person.

I actually got to meet a lot of the Ben Swann team at the Creators Conference in Vegas as they came out to learn more about the platform. We spent some time chatting about Dtube and it was fun to get to know them a little better! I hope some of you will be able to attend as well! It would be fun to re-unite in Mexico!

So who else here in the Steemisphere is attending or thinking of attending? @aggroed? I feel like this would be your jam.

Bringing the Power of Steem and Dtube to Anarchapulco

This event will be a great opportunity to meet people from all parts of the world and all walks of life. Many of the people here will likely be involved in crypto currencies, but may not really understand the power and potential of the Steem blockchain. I’m excited to meet literally thousands of amazing, freedom-minded people and talk to them about this platform. You can expect to see some pretty amazing video content from me while I’m there – likely interviewing and meeting with various people.

For anyone who is thinking of attending – just remember that the pre-sale prices go up after May 31st and they anticipate selling out this year.

Thanks for watching/reading!

Xo, Lea


Gear That I Used in this Vlog

To add an extra layer of value and transparancy to my vlog's - I have started listing the gear I use at the bottom. Today’s setup was a little more minimal because it was filmed while traveling. If you ever have questions about the gear I use or how I use it – please don’t hesitate to ask!

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No way!! I can’t believe you guys are going to this. This is going to be awesome :))

It’s going to be so crazy... hahah

Are you thinking of going?

Its surreal to be listening to you and also simultaneously get a reply from you lol..... I have no idea what my life will be look like that long from now but I am sure excited that YOU are going! I’ve been hearing about Anarchapoco for years and I’ve never actually had a friend go so I cant wait for the first hand report!!

You know I will be making LOTS of videos to report on it all!

Maybe Ron Paul wouldn’t mind being interviewed by a Dtuber?? Hahaha

I say go for it. Have you ever seen the video of him asking Ben Bernanke if Gold is money? I bet he would notice a shirt that had Gold and money in it ! This is a super famous moment

hahahah this clip was great. GOD how I miss seeing Ron Paul on stage!! What a breath of fresh air to have common sense in some of those debates.

So true. This is a classic. I have tried to get reporters to ask the current federal reserve chair this question to create a viral moment for them, ive gotten SO close to making this happen but not yet

Did you know Dr. Paul has a YouTube channel where he posts videos everyday about the news?


His channel is great, tells the truth on what is going on.

That's exciting! These gatherings/conferences fascinate me, although I am by no means much of an "activist" in any direction... so I have fund reading and hearing about others people's experiences. Would like to go to SteemFest one of these years, but that's a slightly different "beast."

ahhh yes! SteemFest is definitely going to feel different than something like this. I really hope to make it to SteemFest this year. You are in Port Townsend right? I live pretty close by - over in Bellingham. It would be funny if we ended up on the same flight out of Seattle to SteemFest one of these years. haha

As for Anarchapulco... you can expect to see lots of videos of the event... so i'll be sure to keep everyone in the loop on the craziness. :)

Lifetime goal: picture with ron Paul? :D

Very good to see that beautiful girls are into voluntaryism. It is a very male dominated domain, at least within the internet. Have fun!

OMG I would be thrilled to get a picture with him!! Honestly just shaking his hand and thanking him for bringing common sense to the political arena would be a lifetime goal.

so good luck

ronn apul.jpg

Cheers to @adamkokesh and the Libertarian party! At this point, he has my vote. Years ago I was disgruntled with the whole "2" party system and fortunately, a friend introduced me to the Libertarian party and what they really stood for, not what the media said they stood for lol. Been trying to get others to see the light too ever sinse. Have fun at Anarchapulco!!!

Thanks @scottshots!! I didn't realize you were a libertarian too! Doesn't surprise me too much though... many of the people here on the platform are very liberty minded.

I'll be sure to keep everyone updated on the craziness that is Anarchapulco! hehe Maybe one day you'll make it down there too!

It would be fun to go to, and I did check out ticked prices... But probably not this year. Yeah, I've noticed that too, a lot of super cool liberty minded folks here indeed. Looking forward to the Anarchapulco posts!

How do you do! Have a nice day. Gracias, Senorita

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Wow... Mexico! I had love to. I can't though😔. Hope you catch some fun. Looking forward to all the updates from you @coruscate

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I went this year and it was absolutely outstanding :-) Cheers to you for getting your ticket - I'm positive you'll have nothing short of an amazing time. Hope to cross paths with you next year! @Anarchaforko will be great too. & OMG that promo video - thanks for sharing, I hadn't seen it yet.

it's good that these kinds of events are held, it should be very exciting to participate.

I've been unable to complete the purchase transaction. You got it to work with a credit card, or did you pay in crypto?

I used a credit card...but through paypal. Hopefully it works for you @finnian! Awesome that you are going.

I have my tickets now and posted about it yesterday! My flights are already booked too. Now the hotel just needs to figure out the room situation. When I talked to them last, they were not able to book a room for me. There are still details to work out apparently.

Ahh good to know. I saw the dates were blocked out on the resort website, but I haven’t reached out to the event organizers about booking a room yet. I definitely want to stay on site.

Flights from my area are a little rough... It will be a pretty full day of travel on each end. Worth it though. 😊 I haven’t booked anything yet, but we will soon.

I booked right away with so many people going. My worry was not getting a decent flight. The room situation is weird to me. Did you see the prices? Uhm, I hope that's in pesos! ha ha

Oh yeah, it definitely is! Haha I had the same reaction at first too!

Thanks for the push to buy my flights sooner rather than later. Good call.

In light of the changes going on globally and economically, this event seems most appropriate. It is exciting to link up with people who are taking action to inspire hope and change for humanity.

Agreed... I can't wait to be surrounded by so many liberty minded people in one space.

Haha, I remember you during that campaign; you were just pouring it all out. And your organizational skills are amazing to boot.
I'm really glad to see that his sparked a discovery process that lead you to where you are. You're going far sis; I know it.

Haha yeah those campaign days were CRAZY!! I was still working full time and going to school.... man it was a fun whirlwind...but I never want to be that busy again! haha

Ah coooooool. Will you be encouraging all the non-steemians there to join Steemit!

I'm so excited!! I'm sure I'll get to share Steemit with many of the people there. :)

I can sympathize with your beliefs - Republicans traditionally are supposed to represent the majority of libertarian views (smaller government, cutting taxes), but now they are nothing more than a fascist war-mongering party.

I have been considering attending this conference as well...

Agreed - the two parties have some similarities, but some pretty big defining differences too.

Sounds like it's going to be a great event. Let me know if you end up deciding to go!

Totally going!! WOOOOOT!!