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Nice keep on rocking it

Nice tune and perfect theme...

Enjoying that ride.

best style ever... check out my track :

I could have been the best singer in the world... but some people didnt like me...

@craig-grant Dude, I got up and started dancing. Rolling in the FLOW !!!

great post @craig-grant

Good jop

I think Bitconnect is a clear pyramid scheme and for those on the bottom they will lose all of their money. Really don't give into this. You're going to end up with nothing to show for it, youre essentially handing over your hard earned money to those who are pushing this scheme and the creators.

Bella you dont know money... I am looking for blue eyes

Well done they got talent most definitely.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


I sponsored @craig-grant and he didnt pay me... :E-.-

Awsome nice work you are too good with your work! but i want to buy space coin. but i need help from you @tuck-fheman is space coin legit.?


Hey @craig-grant you did it again, I saw your tweet video about Bitconect, for the ones that we know about you for years is beautiful how you ride Steem and now you are doing great with Bitconect, I'm thinking to throw a few KKK There, keep the good job!

Süpermiş 👍👏

This is the Best Crypto Video Ever! I love the beat too!