Thank You And Best Wishes To Adam Kokesh! May You Get Out Of Jail Immediately!steemCreated with Sketch.

in freedom •  7 years ago 

Firstly, I would like to thank Adam Kokesh for his continued work with the freedom movement and for his awesome support of principals which uphold truth and that support the non-aggression principal. Secondly, I want to thank Adam for allowing his book, "Freedom", to be so easily accessible to the entire world via the audio book on Youtube or to be read in physical book form by either purchasing it online or by reading it in ebook form here:

Now that I have thanked him for just two of his contributions to humanity, I want to move on and explain why I'm thanking him and why I will continue to thank him for what he has done and will more than likely continue to do to help bring greater awareness to the freedom and truth movements. I have learned quite a bit from a wide array of individuals and Adam is just one of them, but he is important nonetheless for his specific drum beat of freedom which has resonated with me profoundly. Mr. Kokesh has quite a few great videos on youtube and dtube of him interviewing people on the streets regarding simple questions such as: "is taxation theft? why?" and other videos questioning politically minded individuals about the politics and legislation they support and why, often to some hilariously comedic, and sometimes, just plain sad outcomes. From his, arguably, most famous video of him dancing with others at the Jefferson Memorial statue and getting physically body slammed, and what looks like choked, by statist police individuals who are devout followers of the religious paradigm of authoritarianism, Adam calmly pursues his goal of advocating freedom for others regardless of what mishaps may occur to him and others. He has a very calm demeanor and is always able to argue his points articulately and passionately, without giving rise to insults or emotionally charged statements of any kind, for the most part, as he is not perfect, nor is anyone. For this and for many other equally respectful reasons, I praise him and give him the utmost of compliments for what he does.

It is so sickening to me that he is locked away in a cage right now based on chargeless, baseless claims of him possessing illegal drugs. I only hope that by posting this there will be a few more people aware of his plight and that we can slowly but surely allow more people to wake up to the realization that humanity is in this together. We do not need division, we cannot stand for injustice any longer. The stakes are so high and the cost is so great that we must not allow ourselves to fall victim to the separatist movements that attempt to divide and conquer humanity based on Hegelian Dialects (problem-reaction-solution), division based on gender, race, ethnicity, creed, or any other variation of mind control programming meant to cause more harm than good. I agree with Mark Passio when he says that the only true division in humanity is one that divides us based on those who advocate for slavery in all of its many forms (government included) and those that advocate for freedom for all sentient beings, animals, humans, and all others included. Thank you for all that you do, Mr. Kokesh!

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