Freedom To Serve Others Without Having To Ask Permission First

in freedom •  6 years ago 

Occupational licensing regulations are an unnecessary racket that are more about control than safety.

This is because those rules work to:

  • keep quality low
  • prices high
  • keep millions of potential jobs out of the market
  • help to fuel monopolies by reducing competition

These rigid and illogical rules keep people from entering the market who are interested in doing anything and everything from cutting hair, cutting lawns, baking cakes, pickling beets, mixing cocktails, or serving their community in a variety of other ways. Those interested in doing this sort of service will be required to undergo extensive training programs, or pass various tests, obtain costly permits and licenses etc, before they can begin to serve others in the market.

If we are interested in acquiring better services, having more options in the market, having access to more competitive pricing etc, then we should hope that these rules are reduced as much as possible.

People should be free to serve others without having to ask permission first.

In recent years, there has been growing criticism against these occupational licensing schemes. Those who have an interest in defending individual liberty have fought back against these licensing rules, to try and have them reversed, and in a variety of circumstances they've been successful.

Just recently, officials in New Mexico made the bold announcement that they were going to look at drastically cutting back their occupational licensing rules. And any rules that they can do away with, which act as preventative measures before people can enter the market and serve others, is going to be a good thing because that is going to help facilitate freedom.

Any effort to reduce licensing rules that force people to jump through tedious regulatory hoops and pay various permit fees etc, before they can venture into the area of business that they're interested in, is a good thing.

Force Isn't Necessary - there is another way...

These rules don't keep us any safer, because while they are claiming to achieve that safety they on the other hand degrade individual liberty by intervening between two parties that might be interested in making an exchange. Doing away with these sorts of regulatory schemes also leaves room for private and voluntary licensing solutions to come about as a solution for those who are looking for a way to seek out goods and services that come from companies and individuals they can trust.


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Most of the time government control stagnate the progress of an industry instead of promoting its growth.

Yep, case in point is the aging Taxi business vs. Lyft/Uber - Most taxis in my town doesn't even have functional GPS in their frigging' car, or if they do its a coin flip if they understand how it works.

Cheers for sharing that video, this guy tells a very real story about how it is to be an agorist - Every time I try and trade I have to be careful about statist meddling.

@doitvoluntarily What a different world South Africa is!!! lol - Completely the opposite - lawlessness and mayhem which I am not sure is any better... but then again we have such a huge volume of grossly uneducated people doing such which as I am sure you can see is a recipe for disaster... a happy medium would be good.

A couple of weeks ago you posted about the occupational licensing issue in New Mexico. I made a similar comment there and mentioned the what you do here.

I will agree with this fully, that honest labor is being kept out of market under the guise of safety while true motives are more about controlling the people. Had the issue stopped at control, a lot of folks wouldn't have bothered raising there voices. But the reality is, that in this case the financial lives of hundreds of thousands potentially skilled workers could be severely impacted directly. If we take their families into account, the numbers would run into high millions for those who are being indirectly but equally impacted.

Under this situation voluntary licensing would be happily taken up by the concerned people, if they are given a chance. Sad part is that even this might not be given a chance to the control 'freak' nature of the government.

Safety is must for #freedom.

The truth does not surprise me the news, the same thing always happens and in any part of the world, the roganisms are in favor of what more benefit gives and profit from it. Without ludas people should be able to serve others without tanata explanations to the government, it is enough that we pay all our invested
thank you very much for sharing this news
I wish you unpropspera week dear friend @doitvoluntarily