in freedom •  6 years ago 



Adam Charles Kokes Full name: February 1, 1982 (age 36 years), San Francisco, California, United States. But he is better known as the liberist activist / father of the American revolution who fights for freedom and anti-war.
He is also a former Marine with the ranks3 (1999-2007) and had been a journalist. He had been in and out of prison for activists. (world superhero)


When he was in prison after his capture in 2013 stemming from civil disobedience Freedom Plaza, Kokesh started working on his book, FREEDOM!


freedom book for publishing his publishing house in america.Adam a smart and clever person he published his book through social media and internet, the book is selling well in the market, SHE IS MY IDOLA@adamkokesh and fully support libertarian. On his website he describes the philosophy behind the book:

You, as a free, beautiful, independent self with inalienable rights, have yourself! which you want with your own body and your work.All human interaction must be free from violence and coercion, and we are free to exercise our rights, only limited by respect for the rights of others.Government relies on strength, and power is a poor substitute for persuasion.When you learn "do not hit," "do not steal," and "do not kill," that's not ak, "unless you work for the government." The government is scaring us into thinking we need it, but we move past the static paradigm and render it obsolete.


I very much appreciate work @adamkokesh
though he should be arrested and jailed dozens of times to defend his beliefs. In writing the FREEDOM!. I belong to one of the millions of people who already were contributions by @adamkokesh

on freedom is the concept of localization as a way to overcome statisme and reach the free world.
We all want to live peacefully.
We all want fair treatment.
We all want to be prosperous.
We all need freedom.
We all need love.
We all suffer under statism in the political thought of making the country as the center of all power.

The State is the axis that drives the entire political elements in of a rational tangle, which are strictly controlled by using the instruments of power, hence the country's community has always oppressed and cannot be free to do (indeed a pitty)

he became an active member of the Iraqi Veterans Organization Against the War (IVAW).
In 2007 @adamkokesh held an anti-war Iraq rally and he and his colleagues were arrested
Since then, the action of Adam Kokesh has continued with other actions until 2017.



I heard word that @adamkokesh will leave facebook
I immediately created a steemit account.

I will follow @adamkokesh to the end of the world.
I am a true fan of @adamkokesh MY IDOL

@adamkokesh running for president of the United States 2020
I strongly Support @adamkokesh as President of United 2020. It will bring United in freedom. Support I always accompany and I will invite friends to support you @adamkokesh

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How do we get freedom? It starts with the freedoms we already have in the choices we make. As we use cryptocurrencies, Steemit, Bit Torrent, and more, we gain freedoms. As we involved to talk about how evil Big Pharma and China is for example. The swamp is deep state. Very deep.

Realize not if we are a moneymaking machine or call it a running ATM machine that can make money every time? Yeah dong, right we can continue to make money while still able to work. But when we have entered the age of twilight or forced to stop working because of certain conditions, the income also stopped. Well, if the money-printing machine is not operating, automatic money is not generated dong. So, what's next? Hence there is the term "financial freedom". Which means, although we have not worked, we can still earn revenue. We do not need to bother about money even in crisis conditions though.

Realize not if we are a moneymaking machine or call it a running ATM machine that can make money every time? Yeah dong, right we can continue to make money while still able to work. But when we have entered the age of twilight or forced to stop working because of certain conditions, the income also stopped. Well, if the money-printing machine is not operating, automatic money is not generated dong. So, what's next? Hence there is the term "financial freedom". Which means, although we have not worked, we can still earn revenue. We do not need to bother about money even in crisis conditions though.

Agreed, that is why we make investments, buy things, that can be leased out, rented out, sold out later on, and that is why we become employers so others can work for us which pays us