I intended to deliver this speech on July 4th, 2020 in downtown Portland, but I never heard back about my application from the event organizers, I was also planning on performing my new song No Consent after my speech in front of the affectionately re-named "injustice center" for the Hip Hop Stands Up event. Other emcees spoke up against injustice, inequality, racism, and disharmony in our society. No hard feelings about not hearing back on my end, I know the organizers had a lot on their plate.

Image Source & Event Info
My intended message is that while police brutality and racism are terrible things that should not be tolerated, we should really be protesting our government for allowing such treachery to take place while protecting those who they give permission to violate our rights. We need to address the root of the problem, a government that no longer serves us, and is actually harming us and restricting our evolution as a human collective. Let's overthrow the status quo...
NOTE: I do not participate in things like this for myself, or for any sort of expected profit, other than the profit we all stand to gain - a more peaceful and harmonic existence in symbiosis with the Earth & humanity. I often go through quite an ordeal of stress, anxiety, and preparation before events, so if I willingly do one for free, it is of the utmost importance for a more beautiful world.

Click link or pic below to hear my speech & song: No Consent:

@ELAmental's Independence Day Speech - Text Version
My fellow humans - my Earth Family - welcome, and thank you for existing and bringing your beautifully unique energy to share with us here today. You are appreciated, valid, and essential to this collective experience. Do not ever feel you are not important because we need you, we love you, and we are all here for each other. Is that not why we are here?
There is redemption for everyone who can admit their wrongdoings and accept the consequences. But what about those that are subject to no consequence? What about those that serve out brutal tactics against people they are supposed to serve and protect? But the real question is, what about the people giving these orders?
Here's my order - how about a world where we are free from world wide government oppression and instead are in symbiosis with the Earth AND humanity? And no I don't want fries with that!
I am 100% for racial justice and equality - but the root of the disparity and injustice lies not with corrupt and racist police, it lies with the American government allowing such brutality to take place every day, in every city, while protecting those that violate our rights when they're supposed to protect them. To quote Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - “Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor, it must be demanded by the oppressed. “
Now I know what some of you are thinking - who is this white guy up here thinking he knows what we deal with? And your right - I have no idea what it is like to exist as any person other than myself, nor a person that is a direct target of a world brought up by a history of racism and unwarranted police brutality. I do however know what its like to be profiled by the police and everyday people for what I look like, what I am wearing, who I associate with, and my lifestyle choices - and believe it or not I have been fucked with by the police many times and also been wrongly imprisoned. I know what it feels like to live in a society that is ok with government officials having way less accountability than everyone else, if any at all. I know the feeling all too well of being the victim of punishment for unjust laws. I know how it feels to be severely disrespected by other humans so fiercely that it brings me to the brink of insanity - if not right over it at times.
The problem here is greed - greed, tyranny, unwarranted persecution, and prejudice by the government and those who support it. The problem is that we still live in a cast system where the privileged are protected and live above the laws that WE are all held to. The problem is the laws themselves, the government itself, the idea that we are not aware and capable enough to govern our own lives, to police our own streets, to nurture our own communities with culture in place of the gentrified corporate America that is continuously forcing its way into every city and town in this country. The problem - is that there is a big problem, a problem that many people choose to ignore or refuse to acknowledge all together. The solution - is to remove our government from power, because WE ARE THE POWER!
We live under the boot of a government that does not serve us, the homeless population is smaller than the number of unused dwellings, people are starving while Monsanto shuts down small farms, corporations of convenience are destroying our economy and planet while those in uniforms kill our human family – here in Cascadia, across the continent, and around the world.
But we live in a world of abundance, and humans have spent millennia perfecting the art of revolution, of collaboration, of optimization, and overthrowing all those that stand in the way of the natural and peaceful evolution of mankind. The current system we were forced into does not serve truth, justice, peace, or love & it makes – no – sense... so its time for a change. Let's bring it.
Click here for Lyrics to my Song: No Consent & Content Claims

Click here to hear my single: Shift the Focus on Soundcloud from my upcoming album: Power of Truth
Click here to hear my un-mastered sample of No Consent
My debut conscious Hip-Hop album The Hex Wrecker is completely free for download on Bandcamp & Soundcloud (click the links to go to my music on those platforms), or CLICK HERE for download instructions.