2018-11-08 Hour 1 Host Ernest Hancock and guest Paul Rosenberg

in freedom •  6 years ago 

Paul Rosenberg (Freeman's Perspective) on the re-naming of his newsletter to Parallel Society, providing a more outward focus and his hope for the future

Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show: https://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Program-Page.htm?No=1

Show Archive Page: https://www.freedomsphoenix.com/Media/250863-2018-11-08-11-08-18-paul-rosenberg-richard-grove-listen-live-on.htm

Paul Rosenberg

Freeman's Perspective




Paul Rosenberg knows a lot about a lot of things. A lifestyle capitalist with a broad range of interests and experiences under his belt, current passions include philosophy, theology, history, psychology, and physics. This diverse interest base is reflected in his extensive repertoire of published titles, including A Lodging of Wayfaring Men, The Words of the Founders, and Production Versus Plunder, not to mention 55 engineering and construction books.

Prior to this, his highly successful engineering career saw him called as an expert witness in numerous legal cases and recruited as a consultant to a number of high profile organizations, such as NASA and the US military. He developed and taught 19 continuing education courses for Iowa State University's College of Engineering. He also co-founded the Fiber Optic Association and wrote the first ever standard for the installation of fiber optic cables.

Paul Rosenberg has been featured on or at:

Project To Restore America


Casey Research

Zero Hedge



The Daily Paul

Early to Rise

Story Leak

Expat World

International Man


The Burning Platform

Global Wealth Protection

Freedom Fest


Freedom's Phoenix

Paul's recent articles:

Why You Can Do Anything You Want… And Why You Can't


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How Stupidity Is Manufactured


Manufactured Yes, manufactured. It's done all day, every day, and especially in the most advanced parts of the world. And I can prove it to you. Please look at this diagram and tell me which of the lines on the right side, A, B, or C, is the same length as the line on the left. That isn't too hard, is it? A is obviously shorter and B is obviously longer. …

Weaponized Politics


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How Similar Are Judaism and Christianity?


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How to Crush the Gold Cartel


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Celebrating Western Civilization, Part 1


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The Cult of Rules


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The Plague of Superfluous Intellectuals


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Demolishing the Warren Report with two Images from CBS News


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Israel, Zionism, and the (((Jews)))


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Perpetual Abuse in the Catholic Church


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