No, Andrew McCabe Isn't "Losing His Pension" As Elizabeth Bauer says in Forbes Article linked and qouted below

in freedom •  7 years ago 

"Pensions -- public as well as private -- are required to meet certain vesting requirements, and, in fact, the FERS (Federal Employees Retirement System) benefits vest at 5 years, meaning that benefit accruals cannot be taken away.

What he lost out on was the ability to take his benefits at age 50, rather than somewhere between age 57 and age 62, and he lost his eligibility to a special top-up in benefit formula. These are, admittedly, tangible financial losses, but it is grossly misleading that various news outlets are giving the general public the impression that he has lost his pension entirely.

McCabe would need to just go to work with the federal government for another day or so in any job he pleases, although "it would probably look more ethical if McCabe worked for at least a pay period rather than just one day." And, due to the nature of federal pensions and their portability from one position to another, this sounds credible -- though at the same time, well, I'm from Illinois, a state with a long list of examples of pension spiking, ghost employees, and other ways that public officials have manipulated public pensions, so it doesn't sit right with me." Elizabeth Bauer

Who paid for McCabe salary? pension? etc. etc. isn't honesty and representing the people have anything to do with our 7th floor, all government officials? What do we pay them for? When a job is not being done----what is the process to insure accountability? Wake up people especially main stream media (fake news) where is investigative reporting??


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