Jordan Peterson is not the boogie man!

in freedom •  4 years ago 


Over the last few years, defending Jordan Peterson has been a hell of an experience. I use the word "defending" very deliberately. I'm hardly a disciple. I find his views on religion to be incoherent at best. I don't think that a true athiest looks like Raskolnikov. Every-so-often he does cross a line into incoherent ideas. But, that doesn't change the fact that he often has real insights and he's done well in his defense of free speech.

Peterson is the perfect example of somebody for which people refuse to see with any nuance. It's odd that he's so polarizing that people can't take the good with the occasional bad.

Moreover, people become impervious to facts with him. Years later, people think that the original controversy was that Peterson was actively misgendering trans students. He wasn't. His activism was in protest to the state forcing people to tow a certain line with their language. He was and is right about that.

Cool your jets people, he's not the boogie man.

On the other hand, I think people are more worried about Joe Rogan than Peterson nowadays, especially with him going all mainstream and legit with the Spotify deal.

It's interesting all the new attempts to try and censor him from having all his "controversial guests and opinions".

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