RE: How do you see the freedom in a decentralized platform ?

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How do you see the freedom in a decentralized platform ?

in freedom •  6 years ago 

hm? have to think about that.
i think it's better as you tube right now,if you have topic's ,that not everybody like's,
if you do the normal bla bla,nothing to worry about,
nobody is really free anyway.

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freedom in a decentralized platform, no i don't think so,
every body has a boss, that he or she has to answer to,if they want to quite ,or don't like what you got to say ,they will sillence you,or you will give up ,what ever comes first .

You are right. We can't be completely free, I was asking about freedom in a decentralized platform.

freedom in a decentralized platform, no i don't think so,
every body has a boss, that he or she has to answer to,if they want to quite ,or don't like what you got to say ,they will sillence you,or you will give up ,what ever comes first .