Afrikaburn 2017

in freedom •  8 years ago 

I always wanted to attend the Burning Man festival in the States but I never had the opportunity. It never crossed my mind that there is an equivalent right here in South Africa.

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Afrikaburn is the equivalent and has been going since 2013 in the Karoo.

What is Afrikaburn?

AfrikaBurn is the spectacular result of the creative expression of a community of volunteers who, once a year, gather in the Tankwa Karoo to create a temporary city of art, theme camps, costume, music and performance! For those that have been no explanation is necessary, for those that haven’t none is possible.

Source : Afrikaburn webste

I will still have to wait and see if I will be in the position to attend the festival next year from 24-30 April 2017.

Best event ever attended

I lived in the United Kingdom, a few years ago. One morning I was on holiday for a couple of days and saw a clip on the news for the Summer Solstice festival at Stonehenge.

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I visited Stonehenge a few times before, and although it is an impressive structure, I was disappointed due to the fact that you can only get to around 15 meters from the actual structure. It is understandable, as there is thousands of visitors per year.

A friend and I decided to go to the Summer Solstice festival, it must have been in 2002 or 2003. Well, this event was not disappointing at all, as you couldcamp close by and to top it all, we could party between the rocks :)

What a party it was!

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I would love to attend this festival, as I believe the people will be just to amazing to miss :)

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Same here would like to attend the Burning Man festival or others but work makes its very difficult maybe steemit can help, upvoted.

It does make it difficult ...

Good arrangement

Fantastic photos. I would like too to attend similar event in UK or Africa