Coronavirus Covid-19 Views from VietNam - There is more FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY in a communist country than in a country that call themselves a DEMOCRACY.

in freedom •  5 years ago 

As the 'lockdowns' are being enforced across the world. There are some major differences in the FREEDOM that people have.

I came to Vietnam six years ago, worried a little because of the reputation that 'communist' countries had. During those six years I perpetually told people that the FREEDOM in Vietnam surpassed anything in the West.

Now as countries all over the world are losing their FREEDOM and CIVIL LIBERTIES, I am lucky to be in Vietnam.

I am living in Nha Trang, one of the largest coastal towns/cities in Vietnam. I have, now, more FREEDOM than people in the west had five years ago. Yesterday I went to one of the many cafes for a coffee. last night I went to the local restaurant, had food and beer, today I went to the local market: where there was an abundance of food.

Note:- I am staying this as a comparison, not to 'brag'. My family in the UK are trapped inside and are finding it difficult to find food (there is food there, but many things are limited.)

The major Cities in Vietnam: Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Da Nang, and a few others have more restrictions than Nha Trang. THE REASON? Nha Trang, Thanh Hao, and many other towns and provinces have no cases of COVID-19. So in those places it is 'almost' business as usual. The focus of the Vietnamese government is to contain this virus; so the focus on the plaves where there are COVID-19 cases. 'A very sensible approach'.

There are some restrictions in Nha Trang and the other 'non-infected' areas. Tourist sites, large places where people gather, schools, etc. are closed. This was done when there were only single-digit cases in Vietnam. (Weeks before the UK was even suggesting similar actions; in fact when, Boris Johnson, was suggesting 'herd immunity'. Even though the effects of the virus in other countries were already known.

Other restrictions - not really restrictions - if you travel from one place to another, even between two non-infected places, you are 'expected' to isolate yourself for two weeks. All (almost all) the Vietnamese people respect this and follow this advice. WHY? Because they realise that if the virus did arrive in the, place they live - or their family lives, then those places would have more restrictions AND that it would hinder the government's efforts to contain the virus.

When similar 'suggestions' were made in the UK - and the West. People just went to the beach, went o bars, went to parks, with no regard for the people around them.

I am writing this with hindsight: but the Vietnam Government and there Vietnamese People, acted in foresight.

I read today a story in the Guardian that said the Vietnamese ostracised, 'people' who had this virus. (Based on one-woman, who chose NOT to follow the guidelines, she did not fill in the travel declaration properly, she did not isolate herself; and as a result infected more people. If she had there would be less cases for the medical teams to deal with, and therefore more resources to focus on the virus.

The Vietnamese People are very welcoming and caring, if someone is self isolating - they are not ostrasised, the community will pull together, deliver, food water and anything else needed for them to stay inside comfortably and to keep the country safe.

The majority of the West distrust their Governments, and I agree with their distrust. The Vietnamese People trust their Government and follow what they say, because they know that the Government is working for the good of the people.

Now: in the West we are taught that a communist country, like Vietnam, the people cannot voice their opinion: this is not true. They People do disagree with the Government, sometimes - individually, in groups, or en-mass - AND the Government listens. (Not always, but many times the People's voice is successful. {I purposely did NOT say win; because disagreements are never thought of as a 'BATTLE', just an expression of opinions. There are no winners and losers.

Every community has a committee, like a council, where every resident has a 'public' voice. A committee can be for a couple of thousand people, or less. Not like the 'Local Authorities' in the UK, representing tens of thousands of people.

THE PARADOX - There is more FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY in a communist country than in a country that call themselves a DEMOCRACY.

The whole world would be a better place if each country was ran in the same manner as VIETNAM.

World peace is possible.

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i agree with everything you wrote there. My pre-conceived notion of communism was a regimented and cruel society where someone is watching your every move. You are correct in saying we are more free over here than the countries that advertise freedom!