Starting up on

in freedom •  8 years ago 


My name is Jones Wills aka Mandala Jones.

Listening to all the "hype" about steemit, and having several friends who recently started using steemit.
I have now decided that its time for me to open a steemit account and find out for myself.

This is my first post on

Here is a bit about me...:

Im a voluntarist ..

This basically means that I don't agree with violence on any level.

Im a world traveler(retired)..

I always loved traveling. Meeting new people, seeing new places, when I has a kid I burned for this so much that just thinking of travel would make me feel sick and stuck.. I left home at the age of 13.. I just couldent wait to see the world.. age 14 I started traveling all over Denmark( my country of birth) and age 18 I moved to Germany and traveled all over Germany while based in Heidelberg.

Im a vegetarian..

I consider myself a failed vegan.. but I don't beat myself up for it.. fanaticism is as faulty as ignorance.. Balance is key (I find this to be true with most things in life)

Im a graphical artist..

I make digital art, ranging from space art, fractal art to abstract art.

Im a musician..

Though I was rated as the best percussionist in Germany when I lived there, I decided to leave it behind and rather focus on electronic music, I receive less praise for my electronic music, but it is my music and and I don't depend on others for the production process.

I will post more about several of these topics later ..

hope you liked this little intro.. if yes then please up vote and keep a lookout for upcoming blogs :)

Have a nice day!
Jones Wills.

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Always happy to see a voluntaryist :) welcome aboard.

Thanks ;)

I intend to write more about that in future posts.. "my transformation from self-righteous power-seat believer to.. opening my eyes and having a major WTF moment." among other topics such as my art .. eventually I will post more on the topic(s) that gets up-voted.

Upvotes or no, you should post whatever is in your interest!

I love hearing 'wake up' stories, you never know when it'll happen

true dat.. I guess I shouldent get ahead of myself here.. but ya I will defo post my wake up story as a further intro follow up :)

You are maybe sunny-man!!))