Cynthia McKinney has a resume that no Libertarian Party candidate for President of the United States can begin to compete with. She served six terms in the United States Congress from Georgia, where she was the first African American woman elected to represent that state. In 2008, she was the Green Party candidate for President. On the floor of the House she challenged both the Republican and Democratic establishment on issues ranging from the truth about 9/11, child trafficking, Hurricane Katrina, and most notably, war. She fought for the release of documents linking the CIA to the assasination of Martin Luther King Jr, and even introduced Articles of Impeachment against President George W. Bush. These are just the highlights of her career.

In 2018, on stage with Adam Kokesh at a festival called Anarchapulco, she proclaimed herself an Anarchist. She followed up this event by appearing, again with Kokesh, at the Libertarian Party National Convention, where she was a panel speaker on the “Black Outreach Panel.” This event was the most attended break out session at the convention. McKinney, who currently is an Assistant Professor at North South University in Bangladesh, has hinted for some time about running for the Libertarian Party nomination on a platform similar to the one proposed by Kokesh.

There are currently several outstanding candidates running for the LP nomination. Kokesh has publicly said that the majority of the candidates already announced are running as a team with each bringing a different perspective to the race. McKinney would bring, not only her long resume, but also another voice for localizing government. Though her approach may be slightly different than his, McKinney entering the race would be a signal that the party is moving in the direction of supporting peacefully dissolving the federal government.
At this time, Cynthia McKinney has not formally announced but Kokesh is not waiting. He is encouraging her to run and has shared a YouTube video urging her-
The video also suggests a Facebook group called Draft Cynthia McKinney LP 2020. Kokesh is driving members of both the Libertatian Party and the Green Party to join it, hoping that support will convince her to formally announce.