A Defacto Gun Registry Exists in the U.S. and Here is How

in freedom •  7 years ago 

Throughout the 20th Century, the Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled against the keeping of a national firearms registry database because it is in violation of the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution. What I am about to tell you about the FBI probably won’t surprise many of you. The FBI claims to have “lost” the emails seized from the hidden server in Hillary Clinton’s bathroom, that a pudgy senior citizen sprinted between two adjacent hotel rooms and shot nearly 500 concertgoers from a prone position with a rifle equipped with both a bipod and bump fire stock, that they can’t find a missing person but can find Tom Brady’s missing jersey, that “this is not an attack” while running over cars and smashing in walls with a tank while firing gas canisters into a building that they then set on fire at Waco, and the same FBI that violated the law by setting up a roadblock on a blind curve and shooting a man in the back while his hands were raised in the air and then removing evidence from the crime scene and lying about it. So yeah, you’ll probably find this easy to believe compared to the blatant lies they tell every time they get on the television.

declaration of FBI Agent Katherine D. Armstrong, page 26

During the January 2016 occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, I was armed with a Smith & Wesson SD40VE pistol, serial number HER5993. On the 25th of January, I borrowed this pistol to Jason Blomgren and as a result of the events of the next day was forced to return home without it. On February 11, 2016, Jason Blomgren was arrested by the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force while wearing this pistol on his hip and it was seized. At some point during the interrogation, FBI agents placed in front of him a warranty card. This warranty card had MY handwriting on it. It was not a copy. It was the very same warranty card that I filled out and mailed in after purchasing this pistol from a licensed dealer in April 2013. They pressured him to tell them that he got the gun from me, which he did not. He chose to exercise his Fifth Amendment right to remain silent and bit hard on the federal charges and now lives with the resulting conviction. He claimed the pistol as his own, stating that he brought it with from home, in court and Judge Robert Jones accepted his statement, likely ending an FBI attempt to indict me.

joker sd40ve downscale.JPG
Joker J and the SD40VE in question

What does this mean exactly? One (or both) of two things:

  1. Smith & Wesson violated my Fourth Amendment rights by giving out my information, without a warrant, to the FBI upon request.

  2. Smith & Wesson and the FBI have an agreement where upon the receipt of warranty cards, they freely give the cards to the FBI once they enter your information into their computer system and this is commonplace among all the manufacturers and a defacto Gun Registry exists through a backdoor deal.

I personally believe that both are true and as an FBI supervisory agent was quoted saying by FBI informant, Terri Linnell (in her testimony during the first tier “Oregon Standoff” trial)“The FBI does everything big.”


Either way, should the charges against me be dropped; or more probable, should I beat the felony charges against me: I have one hell of a class action lawsuit on my hands.

In the days when not only are police killings on the rise, but blatant militarization of police is at an all time high; a gun registry is something that should be feared and abolished. Police are trained primarily on fear driven scenarios and it is no secret that high IQ applicants are rejected. How many times have we seen an unarmed, innocent American killed during a no-knock raid on the wrong address, where the police officer claims “I was in fear for my life?” Recently, a police officer shot and killed a man who was on his hands and knees crawling toward the officer, as the officer commanded. We all watched the body camera footage: he sobbed and begged the officer not to kill him right before the officer suddenly fired his carbine into the compliant man, killing him. This officer was found to be “justified” as he stated that he “feared” for his safety. If all these unarmed Americans are killed by police officers who know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the men and women they are gunning down are unarmed, imagine the carnage that will ensue once this hidden gun registry is made “legal” by a supreme court ruling, or a lack thereof. During the “Battle of Bunkerville” trial in Nevada in 2017, federal judge Gloria Navarro declared that it was “assault” if a police officer or federal agent saw that a protester was merely armed with a firearm, whether or not it was holstered or slung, or legal. This attitude of a sitting federal judge combined with a mainstream Gun Registry will undoubtedly result in a whole new level of wonton mass murder by government agents when the push is made to “legalize” the registry in the next decade or so.

Can it be stopped? Possibly. Will it be stopped? Probably not. When 95% of the population is content to ask permission to exercise a Right and ceases to do so if even one person objects, I cannot fathom even one scenario where this won’t come to fruition when the following generations, who are being taught to reason with emotion rather than logic, graduate and become voters. I weep for this dead Republic. America is dead and all of her Patriots with her.

If you bought any of your firearms from a licensed dealer and sent in the warranty card, I would strongly recommend that you sell or trade it off and keep everything under the radar. If you're one of those who asks, what do I have to fear if I've done nothing wrong? ask yourself what Vicki Weaver and LaVoy Finicum had to fear since they also did nothing wrong. Both died complying with orders given by federal agents who then executed them.

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I sent you a message on discord, please check it out if you can. I believe this is important and want this story to reach many more eyes.

I no longer use discord but we can possibly do something over the phone.

Email me at [email protected] and we can get in touch!

whats wrong with discord?

I've had significant issues with it.


@rtrtruthmedia (Thomas Lacovera) is a good man to talk to. He was set up and convicted by FBI informant MD Laugter and has been in a federal halfway house the last few months.

He is one of my favorite political prisoners. He also saved my life.

They destroyed my YouTube channel.... I have a new one but a dead one and now a bitchute and Steemit account.

My darling Bravo... I've been worried about you. Please call me. Or not, if you can't. Just know that I love and care for you, and you have been in our thoughts and prayers.

I don't know what this "darling" stuff is but it's inappropriate. I have a wife and family and I'm only on the blockchain to tell my story on a platform that can't be censored. I'm here for the truth and nothing else.

I don't know how you got my number but please don't call me again.

Please contact me - time to do a radio show on this.
[email protected] - I just joined steemit, so message me at my email until I get used to it. This needs to be heard.

My brother!

You have honorable mention in another article! I will have to find it. This is the perfect platform for telling your story.

resteemed because you're one of my favorite assholes!

What a good information...