Because partisans don't learn

in freedom •  8 years ago 

Of course, Donald Trump is a serial liar. And a self-deluded, dangerous fool. It goes without saying. Yet if you believe that the Democratic Party is a credible, countervailing force to the Trumpian shit-storm of denial and mendacity, you yourself are a victim of a lie of the mind.

The denial and mendacity of the Democratic Party, its partisans, apologists, and lesser-of-two-evil swoon squads created the Trump phenomenon. It is imperative, Democrats, that you clean up your side of the street — and no, Putin did not litter and vandalise your Boulevard of Betrayal — before you can even gain a shred of credibility on the subject, much less present a viable alternative.

If there was such a thing as Compulsive Liars Anonymous, you’d be tasked with making coffee, owning your mistakes, walking in humility (beats being constantly humiliated e.g., you were actually beaten in an election, that should have been a cakewalk, by a syntax-challenged, fake tan lacquered, arrested-in-adolescence, reality television popinjay), reeling in your projections, and addressing the fact that your proclivity for believing your own bullshit is the source of your misery.

Finally, remember, every Fat Tuesday Carnival — in particular, Carnivals Of Self-Serving Lies — must stagger towards then resolve into an Ash Wednesday Of Honesty And Reckoning.

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